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thinks that Paula Werne likes to convey hints through subliminal messages, as does another member who posts very regularly to these forums.
Terp, I missed you a whole bunch while I was gone!! Glad to be back. I love your random puns, they make me happy
Is it so hard to leave some comments sometimes, guys?
*My name is FOFreak and I approved this message.
I like your name, Two Tacos & A Coffee
Who's Jeff Probst?
LOLOLOLOL, I was trying to stop reading your about me page, but I just couldn't stop!
Ah, It's controlling me!!!
Yay, I'm your only friend! Which must make me your best friend!
R.I.P, "Camping Out and Waiting For Diamondback"
We shall never forget...
Seriously dude, we've worked really hard on our Trailer Tower communitty! By tearing it apart like this my be putting the thread in danger.
Just PM me and tell me what we can do for you, to get you to stop and give us our stuff back.
We want our trailers back!
What? No posts?
Don't insult ones religion, even if you do not belive it is real! Don't mention it in disscussion!
Oh, I'm big into sports my bad.
Your a very mysterious person, Terpy...
You swim? Does your coach make you shave your legs?