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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. However, there are quite a few people with those shirts at my school, three of which were present for the offending comment. Actually, one was standing next to me...
  2. A wise interpreter once said to ride 5-1 on Vortex. I haven't gone back to another seat since. I'll make sure to try seat 1-1 on SoB next time I go, thanks for the tip.
  3. How did you get that to work? Did you use GrandCentral?
  4. They REALLY need to do something about that. It's getting incredibly annoying, and I've seen more than one small child crying because one stung them.
  5. Manta had people's hopes up SO high that it easily could end up being a flop, especially if theming isn't taken into account.
  6. That may have been you that I kept meeting in line ...I was wearing a Danville baseball shirt... There were quite a few people doing that, though.
  7. Actually, there are trees near the DB spashdown. Just not a lot.
  8. Marathoned in the SRL today. It was great.
  9. What a horrible reason...
  10. Yes, I rotate them out occasionally. That replaced the one about how rough Son of Beast is.
  11. Well, I usually just make a circuit around the park, starting at Diamondback and ending at Drop Tower or Invertigo. Usually, I do: Diamondback Crypt Beast Backlot Action Theater, if I'm in need of an air-conditioned break Vortex Flight of Fear Firehawk, if the line is short Racer Adventure Express Delerium, if the line is short Flight Deck, if the line is short Drop Tower Invertigo, if the line is short
  12. How often is the 265-foot deck open (the one you get to by taking the elevator on the left)? It was open today, and I had never been up there before, and was quite surprised to see it open.
  13. ^Me too. I'll print that out when I get home, thanks!
  14. Guests may say the darndest things, but employees say some pretty good ones too. There's a kid I know who works at the park, who was SURE that The Beast wasn't open on Opening Day, and that it wouldn't be included in the ERT, because "a bunch of the crew quit".
  15. ...if you know more about the park than some employees that have worked there for years.
  16. That splash is really pathetic... the ride looks very skippable, in my opinion.
  17. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?...st&p=290832 This is starting to get really confusing.
  18. Next time someone thinks that my first rider t-shirt means that I was, quite literally, the first ever rider (as if there were shirts that said "SECOND RIDER", "THIRD RIDER", and so on), I'm going to slap them.
  19. Prowler looks VERY fun. I'm hoping to make it out to KC sometime this summer to check it out...
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