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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. I found it shocking that they allowed old cups to be used. I would never think to bring a cup from the 80's to try to fill. And yes, I've seen it done. I would also consider having a higher refill price for old cups, less than a regular drink but more than a refill for that year's cup. It's a perk for buying a new cup.
  2. I would leave ticket prices alone, drop the parking fee, only offer a pass discount at selected places that tend to be less busy, drop food and drink prices somewhat, but still enough so they're making a good profit (souvenir cups still need to be a better deal than buying drinks in paper cups), and no longer allow previous year's cups to be used, but lower the refill price to $.99 or so. Also, I'd add more perks for the employees, as it makes them happier, and that happiness tends to rub off on the guests.
  3. I'm kind of curious why the seats aren't on yet, but if the park didn't think WindSeeker would open on time, they'd already be positioning themselves for it to not open on time (removing references on the website to it opening on opening day, etc.)
  4. I think the signs you see walking from the main gate to BB parking are funny: "Associate Backlot Parking". Ahem.
  5. How much was a 1 day ticket last year?
  6. To encourage you to go multiple times. I have a feeling that many people who have two-day tickets wouldn't have visited the park the second day otherwise, so anything they spend is extra profit for the park. Or I could be totally wrong, but it makes sense to me.
  7. I thought they were $51 last year. If they increased it couldn't have been by more than a few dollars. And I don't think parking has increased, last time I was down there I didn't see any new parking signs with different prices.
  8. http://www.KICentral...album=157&pos=1 1 day 2007: $44.95 1 day 2011: $51.99 2 day 2007: $54.95 2 day 2011: $51.99 Hmm. 2 day tickets are actually cheaper now. Go figure. (for comparison, a Disney ticket in 2007 was apparently $71. Now, it's $82... bigger increase than KI, eh? Haven't seen any horrid comments about Disney's management lately that I recall...)
  9. I personally liked DCA better when it opened than now. Replacing a fun thrill ride with a "park area" is one of the worst decisions I've seen from Disney in quite a while. Of course, I'm stupid enough to think that animated characters and Esurance commercials don't belong in Epcot, so that shows what I know. Oh, and I very dearly miss Dreamflight.
  10. I never noticed before, but I'm now convinced that the world's most obvious security camera is located on Ice Scream Zone's sign.
  11. Is that Outer Hanks maybe? I can't tell where it is!
  12. If they don't want people who don't work in rides to see it, they shouldn't put it up where anyone can see and join it.
  13. I'm still getting it, *and* this morning it kept saying that the domain name was expired!
  14. If it's the one I linked to in one of my posts, I think they got rid of it.
  15. Chrome has just changed the title of my Most Visited link for KIC to "500 Internal Server Error". Win.
  16. They can also afford to not finish some small things (landscaping, signage besides safety signage, loose article bins, etc.) until after opening day.
  17. I never understood people's obsession with the passes not having their picture on it. There's not much of a point to it since the picture comes up on the screen when it's scanned (and sometimes doesn't, but that's a story for another thread...).
  18. http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/park/rides/thrill_rides/WindSeeker.cfm
  19. 2 things: 1. I hope you've seen Mesa Verde Times. Not that I approve of what they did, but I'm glad they did it. 2. That is pure awesome. I really wish I remember that ride better than I do... it's dearly missed.
  20. This is what I imagine the front of the operator booth looking like: (please excuse my poor drawing skills) The window in front is where the ride op could see the area where the ride loads. The area on the roof with the reflection of the ride in it is the window/skylight that the ride op could see the ride running from.
  21. It's probably going to be a skylight like Power Tower has at CP and Detonator has at WoF.
  22. Be glad you don't have to do this... http://www.iaapa.org/industry/funworld/2011/apr/features/HumanResources/ If I were asked to "play the hokey pokey" during a job interview, I would first look for the hidden camera, then leave.
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