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Creed Bratton

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Everything posted by Creed Bratton

  1. Also to mention, there isn't a portion of the KI parking lot that is surrounded by trees like that, except looking at the park and seeing the skyline behind it.
  2. Maybe because no one from this site is there yet.....or they are in the process of posting pictures....using a mobile KI Central isn't the best. Which is surprising because of the amount of people implying they'd do anything to see if the rumored track/support arrival was true.
  3. Parking lot gates open at 8:30...no pictures?
  4. My first trip ever to Kennywood was this year. On the maps it features Black Widow with 2013 right over it. I thought it looked like they were saying Black Widow was new for 2013, upon research, the ride opened in 2012. It was a great addition and since they didn't get anything major this year, I'm okay with them promoting it.
  5. Don't forget, the old Crypt building isn't the only building that is only "used" for a month out of the year. Also look at the building for Club Blood, the right side of the Action Theater, the building for Wolf Pack. Those are only "used" for a month out of the year by guests and those who work Haunt events. During the other months of they year, they serve the purpose of storage.
  6. KI Tweeted this picture with the caption: "And then there's Blob" Got it, the color of the attraction is going to be blue! What are your thoughts of what this could mean?
  7. Yup, I do. Just wanted to show you he wasn't a butt saying hey, "everyone it happens all the time bolts fall out and they don't get replaced, it's totally cool." Haha. The Smiler is the worst case that I've seen. Like Nemo said, you should check out Flight of Fear inside the bowl.
  8. Then you should stop riding coasters then. In 09, Diamondback had a wheel come off during one cycle. these are machines, S**t happens. Im sorry, how is parts fallign off of a ride acceptable? I wont stop riding coasters, but if I found out that park workers ignored bolts falling off then yes, yes I would stop spending money in that park. Rides break down (bolts can come loose), but its the park's responsibility to put things back together... Nemo wasn't saying that it was acceptable. He was stating that it's more common than most here think. He didn't say that the parks didn't put things back together. He just stated that it happens. You've got to realize that these things are machines, they don't run 100% perfectly all the time. You've also got to realize that the maintenance checks every piece of track and bolts before the ride can open for the day. What's different in this case is that the Smiler had a bolt fall out of the jointed track, creating a gap between two different pieces of track while guests were in the queue for the ride right below it. Again, no where did Nemo say it was acceptable.
  9. Amen! I think you forgot to mention terrible.
  10. Segway Man! What's his story? I've always wondered about him (not in a bad way, but a what's his story). I've never had a chance to talk to him as he always zooms by!
  11. I wouldn't call him an enthusiast as well. Having worked on the ride while he's visited, having several conversations and rides with him, he is probably one of the nicest guys I've ever met. Getting to know him personally as a crew was great! We all found out that he was a retired minister and has done various other things with his life. On my 300th ride (yes I've counted) he rode with me and bought my on ride photo for me without me even knowing. He brought it to me later and said that it was for me. Gary is a great guy with a great heart! The only time I've ever seen him get "nasty" with anyone is when they've done something against park policy. I've seen numerous people talking about how they can't stand the guy yet they've never gave themselves the chance to actually get to know him.
  12. Yet 2 rides at KI have recently had their belts taken away.
  13. Yes, Don. I get it. You're toying with us. I love it. Clearly the ride will be themed to crop circles.....you know with Corn: The Ride and a lot of crop circles are round and round.
  14. I can't imagine the pain and grief her family is feeling right now. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those who are related to the woman, friends of the woman, who witnessed the incident, who work on the ride, park management and various others affected by this event.
  15. The one guest who was transported to the medical center has been treated and released.
  16. Which makes me wonder how it got turned around to backwards. It doesn't look like the troughs before the lifts are even wide enough for the boats to turn around in.
  17. UPDATED 9 p.m.: Firelands Regional Medical Center staff said one person who was involved in the crash on Shoot the Rapids has arrived at the hospital for treatment.
  18. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151467331312093&set=a.388525827092.174221.172530812092&type=1&theater Facebook post from Fox News 4 in Texas.
  19. http://www.sanduskyregister.com/article/4308286?utm_content=buffer966f4&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=Buffer Appears to be an injury type accident. Onlookers got into the water to help flip boat back over.
  20. Gator? I'll have to chew on his ear later for lagging the site! Thanks Dane for checking into this!
  21. They already do (if its the theme of the Haunt you refer to) and that is Grimm Boulevard. Since Fright Zone became Steamworks a couple years ago.. I haven't been to Haunt at KI since 2011, so didn't get to experience Grimm Boulevard (I think). What I'm talking about is Maniacal Mechanical Screamworks. That's probably my 2nd favorite Scare Zone. I also like Cedar Point's version of Carn Evil. I think KI attempted this, don't know if it was there last year or not.
  22. When were the 3rd trains taken off the circuit? Any specific reason know to the GP of why they were taken off?
  23. My household has one of each. It really depends on what is needed to be done on which we use more/prefer.
  24. Didn't now maXair, the Sky Ride and Cedar Downs had a front row ;-) Had to!
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