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Everything posted by jcgoble3

  1. I only notice the vest pressing against my collarbone in the station when I first pull the restraint down. Once the train is dispatched, I don't notice it anymore.
  2. I believe I am the first to say Firehawk. Yes, that's right. Having never been upside down before, I waited one hour for Firehawk in June 2010 completely by myself. I passed the time in line by playing Sudoku on my phone. I wasn't scared, though I might have been a little apprehensive. When I got off, I was like "...really? That's it?" I haven't waited more than 20 minutes for Firehawk since. I did ride Vortex later that night right before closing, and actually took two laps on it. I enjoyed Vortex more than Firehawk that day; today I prefer Firehawk out of those two, but I'm not a big fan of either.
  3. Fair warning to every participating: According to WeatherBug, the current forecast for the time of the run is for temperatures in the mid-40s. This is a far cry from the 60s we had last year for the Color Me Pink 5K. Dress accordingly, especially if you plan to walk the 5K instead of running like I plan to. jcgoble3, who may be canceling his plans to do The Beach's opening day after the 5K (stupid Ohio weather)
  4. Definitely an optical illusion with some weird light reflections. I can clearly make out two trains stacked on the brake run.
  5. Agreed. If I accidentally bump someone, I always, always say "sorry". Why is it so hard for others to be polite and do the same?
  6. I would assume, however, that the ticket would need to be used this season; in other words, you probably can't visit one park this season and the other park in 2015 on this ticket.
  7. Chicken Shack has two dipping sauces available. One was described to me as a "ranch sauce". I haven't tried it, but I assume that it is simply ranch dressing or something similar based on ranch dressing. The other is the "house sauce", which is orange in color. The house sauce taste is difficult for me to describe, but it pairs well with the chicken and has just the slightest hint of spiciness to it; you can barely notice it, but it's there. The tables outside the Chicken Shack also have several sauce bottles on them, including generic "mild" to "hot" sauces as well as Montgomery Inn BBQ sauce, if you prefer something different.
  8. Do we really have to debate the location of Boo Blasters until pigs fly, or can we just agree that it sits on the IS/PS border like Carowinds sits on the NC/SC border?
  9. Technically, you can wear whatever colors you want, however white is recommended as it provides the best background to make the color "pop". However, I think black clothes could also make for a nice effect with the color. And you just admitted to the whole world that you wear Scooby Doo underwear. Transmitted from Wild Space via my datapad's DROID brain EDIT: Autocorrect can go to hell.
  10. I can confirm that as of today, Drop Tower's drive/control/whatever box does have the '14 sticker on the side, so it appears to be certified for this season. Transmitted from Wild Space via my datapad's DROID brain
  11. The audio on Adventure Express's second lift hill is working as of 5:00 pm. Transmitted from Wild Space via my datapad's DROID brain
  12. I believe XGatorHead 8904 could provide some useful input here, since I think his daughter is allergic to peanuts.
  13. How is that discrimination? Some rides simply cannot accommodate loose articles on the ride. If you have a disability pass, they will probably let you leave the bag in the station, but there is absolutely NO way in the world that they can possibly allow a loose article (e.g. your bag) to be taken on a ride if it cannot be secured, because unsecured loose articles present a real and present danger to other riders and potentially to spectators. If you cannot ride with taking loose articles with you on the ride, then you most likely will simply not be able to ride, because the safety of everyone else comes first. Not every ride can accommodate every disability, and that's OK. It is most definitely NOT discrimination. If every thrill ride was required to accommodate every disability known to man, there would be no such thing as thrill rides. And if you have a medical condition that prevents you from standing in line for a long, continuous time, you are STILL not allowed to line-jump. Are they required to make a "reasonable accommodation? Yes: that reasonable accommodation is a disability pass, NOT permission to line-jump. The disability pass exists specifically for people like you who are unable to wait in the regular line. Use it and don't line-jump illegally, because line-jumping is ALWAYS illegal.
  14. Forbidden Journey was an excellent dark ride, even for someone who has never seen any of the HP movies or read any of the books. And Dragon Challenge is good, though it does suffer from a unique form of blocking where when both sides are ready for dispatch at once, only one can be dispatched while the other has to sit and wait for the first one to reach a certain point. This happens because they make special efforts to prevent them from encountering each other on the course. Having never seen it when it was dueling, or ridden it when it was not a walk-on, I cannot comment as to how that affects capacity.
  15. All guests using regular queues can and should be required to abide by the regular rules regarding lines, including those regarding line jumping and loose articles, that apply to all other guests at all times. Those who cannot abide by those rules for medical reasons should go to Guest Services and obtain a disability pass that allows them to obtain a return time and wait in a more comfortable spot until that time. If you choose to wait in a regular queue, you are implicitly agreeing to comply with ALL posted rules, regardless of any medical conditions or limitations that you may have. That is precisely why the disability pass exists.
  16. Null vote because I never got to ride Son of Beast.
  17. Bumping this since the run is only a week and a half away. I upgraded to shipping for my packet as soon as they gave me that option in an email, and got it today. (If you didn't upgrade to shipping, it's too late to do so, and you'll have to pick it up in advance; you should have received an email with that information.) I also realized that I didn't have plain white clothes (the shirt in your packet is NOT white, but rather a lightish blue), so I picked up some plain white Fruit of the Loom shorts and a matching shirt at Walmart tonight for less than ten bucks.
  18. Sounds like they underestimated the demand for Banshee, if they ran out of Gold Passes. And not having water for the crew in the Banshee station is downright stupid. When a ride op passes out with a heat illness and has to be taken to the hospital, I hope they sue the pants off of Kings Island, because that's downright stupid to deny them water. If they're that concerned about looks, then find a creative way to conceal it, or even just put it inside the drive box where it's out of guests' sight.
  19. And I believe that Holiday World still does that, on all rides.
  20. Which is fine, because that's a defined rule, just like KI's policy of closing the line exactly at scheduled closing time. Either way, the greeter/security guard has a set rule they can point to explain why he got in and you didn't, instead of cutting the line off two minutes later and having to explain to the guest that you cut it there completely arbitrarily, which is likely to **** them off.
  21. Put my vote down as "whatever".
  22. ^ They have to draw the line somewhere. If they allow leeway for the group that walks up at 10:00:20, then the group that arrives at 10:00:35 might see that as they're approaching and get angry because "you let them slide and not us!". And that could occur at any time, because on opening day there was probably more or less a steady stream of people coming up, and at some point they have to chop the line and deny somebody entry. It's a lot easier to explain why they got in but you didn't, and likely to make the guest a lot less mad, if you just cut the line off at 10:00:00 and explain that the park just closed for the day, rather than giving a few people leeway and then trying to explain to an angry guest why they don't get to ride while the guest takes personal offense to it because "you let them in but not me".
  23. The only enjoyment I get out of it is trying to get a high score.
  24. Nah, I'll ride with him. jcgoble3, who vastly prefers Maverick in the front
  25. Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha—*takes breath*—hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse me for that little outburst, but you see, a "perfectly working" Boo Blasters is one of the most hilarious things I have ever heard, especially when on any given day, a significant number of guns do not work.
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