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Everything posted by jcgoble3

  1. Anyone who uses characters other than letters in their name should be required to fully pronounce the name of that character when saying their name. So Ke$ha should have to refer to herself as "Key-dollar-sign-ha." jcgoble3, who is aware that this post is totally off-topic but can't resist posting it anyway
  2. The trunk of your car? Seriously, I don't think you're going to find a usable waist pack for a DSLR camera and lenses. And if you do find one big enough for it, it won't be able to ride with you on every ride; the small bag for my advanced point-and-shoot that attaches to my belt/fanny pack strap isn't allowed on Diamondback, for example, and probably not Firehawk either.
  3. According to the left side of the map, the letter R in a box indicates restrooms.
  4. I think it would. The ground elevation at the end of the brake shed is 721 ft, whereas it's only ~700 ft at the base of the second lift (and only 647 ft at the turn into the small hill before the lift). That doesn't account for the height of the track, but that's not a real big difference. (Numbers obtained from Google Earth)
  5. The Beast's brake run is as long as it is because the ride was built to run four trains. I don't know if it ever opened with four trains, but at very least I believe that it ran with four at some point while it was testing. While The Beast lacks an MCBR, it has its second lift which can be used to serve the same purpose. I believe the brake shed between the "airtime" hill and the second tunnel used to be a set of block brakes. Of course, they're just trims now.
  6. With Coasting for Kids event the past few years, offline donations were to be brought with you and turned in at check-in the day of the event. I imagine the procedures for this event will be similar.
  7. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with fanny packs, despite what some people, even in this very thread, would have you believe. I only switched to cargo shorts because I grew tired of dealing with the fanny pack, since Holiday World does NOT allow them on their coasters. At KI, Xtreme Skyflyer is the only ride that will require you to remove your fanny pack. Some other rides, notably Firehawk, will require that the pack be rotated to the side of your body to prevent it from interfering with the restraint.
  8. It's a reference to an indoor family entertainment center in the north end of Dayton called Scene75.
  9. It's a B&M coaster. It shouldn't break, unlike their major competitor. Brake, on the other hand...
  10. My understanding was that having a registered KIC username by that date was required specifically for those who were joining Coaster Crew at the discounted rate for KIC members (a rate that is no longer available).
  11. Oh, my. I have nothing else to say.
  12. Shall I assume that you have first-hand experience with this?
  13. Frankly, I don't think the masses wanting to be the first on Banshee will care about that.
  14. Here's the video embedded for easier viewing:
  15. Last year, there was one car sitting at the gate in front of the south entrance at 6:00 AM. This year, I would expect a few hundred at that time.
  16. I love how someone in the video when the logo popped up screamed, "YES!" I believe that was me!
  17. Banshee: The Bat:
  18. ShieKra is the only Dive Machine I've ridden. It is tied with GateSleeper, er, Gatekeeper for the most boring coaster I've ever ridden. Even Flying Ace Aerial Chase is more thrilling to me. EDIT: OK, not to start yet another debate over trademark capitalization, but it's OCD time. Gatekeeper is supposed to have a capital "K" per this page, but Dane's script is changing it to the incorrect "Gatekeeper". Dane, could you fix that?
  19. Here's another view of the announcement that I shot with my phone: I actually went out a few days earlier and bought a larger microSD card for my phone just to make sure that I would have room for the entire announcement.
  20. Now, now, making fun of PETA is fine, but be selective about how you do it. jcgoble3, aware that newer users won't get the joke here
  21. Okay, where's this mythical Premier Wing Giga?
  22. ^ I'm guessing that that is more likely a private road for maintenance vehicles that is or will be connected to the road that runs under Adventure Express's queue and exit.
  23. The reason they have to foul to get the ball back is a matter of time. Just playing good defense takes too much time; unless you manage to steal the ball (which is uncommon), the leading team can run the entire length of the shot clock off of the game clock. If that shot clock has already been turned off because there are less than 35 seconds left in the game, your only options are steal (very difficult) or foul (easy). Fouling stops the clock immediately, and the timeout allows you to make sure that everybody's on the same page for the next play.
  24. ^ Per Rule 5-8 of the NCAA Men's Basketball Rules, Division I tournament games can have a 20-minute halftime instead of the standard 15-minute halftime. As for the "timeout/free throw bonanza", that's what happens when you pit two teams of similar skill level against each other and those teams keep the score very close, which is common in the tournament.
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