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Everything posted by jcgoble3

  1. Has anybody thought of the possibility that maybe the bracket in that picture is either: A. only touching the top of several inches of snow and is not actually touching the ground, B. just a publicity stunt and not the actual envelope that will be used to check for clearance, or C. being used for something totally different and has nothing to do with clearance? All are possibilities here IMHO.
  2. This just dawned on me a week too late. What we should have done for the group photo was have everybody go outside in nothing but their swimsuits and stand in the snow for the picture. Yeah, we'd be freezing for a few minutes, but just a few minutes wouldn't hurt us. I believe one member of the group did just that on Friday night. A group photo wearing swimsuits in the snow would be awesome.
  3. My game plan? Have fun without worrying about numbers.
  4. Yep. Most of those playing on the floats were preteens to teenagers, but I spent quite some time on them myself. I've always said that I'm an overgrown kid.
  5. Great report, and thanks for your work in helping organize this! I wouldn't call the deepest pool in the waterpark outside of the wave pool a "kiddie pool". The kiddie pool would have been the pool to the left of the entrance as you walk in, between the hot tubs and the front wall. And that snake was difficult to get up on and difficult to stay on. Definitely not for very little kids.
  6. Do we have somebody else on a bumpy road here?
  7. As do I. In fact, every single link under SITE INFO, PARK INFO, and PARK HISTORY (except History Photos under the latter) gives me that same error.
  8. I don't consider Haunt to be regular season, but that may just be me.
  9. ...I have no response except to say that you guys crack me up.
  10. I have never even seen the Harlem Shake and don't even know what it is. And that is not an invitation to show it to me. Sometimes I prefer remaining clueless.
  11. The correct way to write that would be as follows: 1. Did anyone ride Hydro Plunge (Water Coaster, look at the statement above!) 5 times, or at least once, for BB1? Note the extra comma between "once" and "for". Commas and the proper use thereof are very important.
  12. I was trying to take a more subtle approach, but the direct approach is acceptable as well.
  13. Not that I was aware of. Good. Keep it that way. (Or if you wish to reject my advice, you can find out all about it in the Multimedia and Gaming section. But I warn you that it is highly addictive.)
  14. Great report! Thanks for everything you did to make this happen!
  15. Not only no, but HELL no. There was a white charger on the TV stand across from the beds. I used it to charge my phone Friday evening before the party since I forgot my charger. I tried to figure out who it belonged to so I could ask permission, but never figured it out. Was that yours? It should have still been on the TV stand. If it was left in the room after check-out, the Lodge might have it, in which case it might be recoverable if you call them.
  16. Here's some of the "damage" to malem (he wiped most of it off before I could get this shot): Also, this happened in the Fields' minivan on the way back from Golden Corral. I present ohiocolts in a mullet: (Sorry that it's a bit blurry, it was taken in a moving vehicle.)
  17. Nice report! Uh... what was I doing here?
  18. Coasting For Kids also has this "restriction." While it may not always be reached, there is a limit. I remember seeing a be within the top 80 for your park to raise $100 to participate or something like that. At some parks, yes, I've seen that. Other parks, including KI, have in the past simply accepted the first X registrants rather than taking the top X fundraisers. I believe registration for KI was shut off early last year because it filled up to the maximum.
  19. You can get a replacement at the park at Guest Services for a $15 fee. That will require waiting until the park opens for the season. EDIT: Forget that. Listen to what Don said in the other thread that I hadn't opened yet.
  20. Not necessarily. The 2013 Alonzo show was billed as a new show rather than as a returning one.
  21. I like more defined Gold Pass benefits. Hopefully stuff I can actually use. And good riddance to S3.
  22. I'm not Don but I believe I know the answer to #1. I believe that Don previously said that park executives were the last people to ride the ride, but I may be wrong. I remember him saying that also.
  23. The second one gave me this the first time I brought it up (it worked the second time): Oh, Google, how I love you.
  24. ^ That still won't help Terpy, because the video player uses Adobe Flash and he's on an iPhone, which does not support Flash. You need to upload the videos to a site that does not use Flash for its player, such as YouTube.
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