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Status Updates posted by KingsIslandJonasGirl

  1. Kings Island tomorrow with my cousin and my mom! #Excited

  2. Kings Island in 7mins! Epic!:)

  3. Kings Island... Today...Soon.:)

  4. KI 4 the 3rd time Tuesday. Oh My! This is freakin Beast!

  5. Tomorrow & Friday KI With my Family:)

  6. With Le Cuzth:) KI soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  7. OMG! Gold Season Pass...Next week will be EPIC! I LOVE KI! :)

  8. Tomb Raider is now gone for good. Im very sad. I rode it 4 times last summer :( RIP TR:TR You will be missed.

  9. Tomb Raider is now gone for good. Im very sad. I rode it 4 times last summer :( RIP TR:TR You will be missed.

  10. Thanks for being my friend! You rock!

  11. Im back on after a longggg absense. I miss KI so much and I can wait to get my season pass for this summer! By the way... Its GOLD! #epic

  12. At Home:) Hopefully Kings Island in 3 weeks:) About to turn 16 in 2 weeks! Yay! Watchin' Planet Sheen on Nicktoons:)

  13. Is Freaking Out Over The Late Late Show w/ Craig Ferguson Paris Shows Tomorrow Night!:)

  14. Is Going To Kings Island Today In An Hour:)

  15. Is Going To Kings Island Tomorrow!:)

  16. Hey Delirium13! I wrote back to your comment! Please read. Thanks:)~Love KingsIslandJonasGirl

  17. Hi welcome to Kings Island Central! If you have any questions just ask.:)~Love KingsIslandJonasGirl

  18. Going to Kings Island Wensday or Thursday! Whooooooooo! Yeah Buddy!:)

  19. I want to know what day I'm going back to KI! Must ride more rides!:)

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