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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. "Naw, I don't think that dragons fit Hogsmeade... Take 'er out!"
  2. Jr for Birdy is being ignorant. It was a simple question, no need to flame.
  3. The Enchanted Oak Tavern... Couldn't Universal have kept that? Just rename it to the Whomping Willow Tavern or something. Sure, it's not in Hogsmeade, but I doubt dragons or hippogriffs were, too.
  4. ^It's sorta like bandwagon. Most people do it, and nobody really says anything (unless they're trying to show off or be funny--obnoxious group). I personally never do myself, but when it's a little kid (like 8-9-- he still met height requirement), I'd personally not try to pick a fight with the mother.
  5. I agree with jdawg, these are wonderful. I wouldn't have the time (nor patience) to do this, and I commend you on this. The early Paramount maps are kinda... Bland.
  6. TheCrypt

    Best Hotel?

    My house. But if I were to choose anywhere but, I would say Mariott? Wyndham is by far my favorite, but those are timeshares.
  7. I remember yesterday, one of my friends said "Do you want to scream like little girls on a stupid ride like Adventure Express?" I hate how they think obnoxious is funny. It's not.
  8. Twice at the park yesterday, once at Diamondback, once at Invertigo, I saw fights almost break out (the latter not as severe). At Diamondback, an older adult seemed to be picking a fight. She threw ice at a group of teens, and the teens came over to my group (four of us-- We had some of the thimbles of water), saying "Did you throw ice at us?" "No." "Ok. Someone threw ice at us, and we don't want that to happen again." So the older woman then threw ice at them again, saying some really explicit stuff. She obviously wanted a fight, and she almost got that. We could see them starting to push each other around. Thank goodness for Diamondback's fast moving line, or else I fear it would have escalated (they weren't next to each other, but rather having turnstiles separating the two). I don't know why security wasn't called to get the woman ejected, but I saw her later in the day going about her business. Now, I don't know what got her mad, but I saw what happened after. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ At Invertigo, someone's kid had to go come back to his mom in line (we were at the exit of the queue house to the walkway under the loop). There was a group of obnoxious kids behind us who wouldn't have let him in, saying something like "No cuts, no buts, no coconuts." I let the kid in to his mom, but the group behind us kept saying really stupid stuff, and it got to the point where the kids mom went back there and screamed "You tryin' to say somthin'?!" The kids said no, but started laughing as soon as she walked away. I'm glad she had self restraint. My question to you is, has anyone else seen increased violence in the park?
  9. If this is the same as Congo Falls, I believe that the boat sits on the bottom of the trough (think the turn from the top of the lift-- do you float???). And if the boat has wheels that sit it above the trough just a tad, do you think it'll be enough room? The boat sometimes stops in the splash down area, it's used as a block. So, what if the boat is stuck there for a few minutes? Oh, Cobra, to accurately answer your question, I think the guide rails (the rails the kid hopped over in the embedded video) go all the way to the bottom of the pool, making it impossible to swim under.
  10. I don't have favorites, so I'll just say that my number one roller coaster is: The Racer, The Beast, Woodstock Express, Mean Streak, Blue Streak, Gwazi, Thunderhead, Son of Beast, American Eagle, Rebel Yell, and Grizzly.
  11. What was Merlinwood? Judging by the name, I can see why it was axed from the park's line up, to be replaced by another magic-themed area that everyone can relate to.
  12. I wish that was the full clip, so we could see just how close he was to getting hit.
  13. Last night, The Beast shut down for fireworks. The group ahead of us (somewhere around 6 people) were talking about why it was closed. Heres how the conversation went between three people. Person 1: They closed down The Beast for fireworks. Person 2: Nu uh! There's people getting on it! Person 1: No, those are people coming back and leaving! Person 2: No! They're bout to leave!... Oh wait... But now they're doing test runs! Person 3: They do test runs during fireworks, so if one doesn't come back... *shakes head and makes that one "stop" gesture with hand and throat (I dunno how to describe that)* Person 2: Gosh. The whole time, I'm just biting my tongue, trying to not correct them...
  14. Went yesterday and rode The Beast at night. On the second lift, they play the first lift's spiel in addition to the Lost score. Cresting the top of Lift 2, a ride op came over the speaker system. "Remain seated throughout the entire ride. Please keep ha-- EVERYBODY CLAP YOUR HANDS!" Last year on Backlot, at the MCBR, a ride op came over the speaker system while the helicopter was shooting at us, voicing over the machine gun sound effects with a "Pew pew pew pew!" similar to a faux bullet sound.
  15. Rumor has it that Poseidon's Fury is on the chopping block soon, to make way for expansion for Harry Potter... But honestly, what is there to do in the Lost Continent, anyways? Eat, walk,. That's how the public sees it, anyway.
  16. I love Geauga Lake (went there once--remember lapping the Big Dipper with my older sister). I hope Ouimet sees how small yet crowded the park gets and sees the value in it, hopefully to make a big expansion (bigger than what we saw). Hopefully they get a few new slide complexes, another wave pool, etc in coming years.
  17. Sounds like you guys had fun. I hope to do this next year. ohiocolts, I would add paragraphs into that post (so it's easier on the eyes and grammatically correct).
  18. Hmm... Does anyone here (yes!) have a machine that shrinks people? ... I've got it! WonkaVision!
  19. Well Dawg, your thread title says that it has some pictures, and you took some pictures, so why not post them? I for one would love to see them (it's been awhile since I've been to Disney--like 2 years! ), and I'd be thrilled to see your perspectives of Islands of Adventure!
  20. I never got to ride Scooby's Ghoster Coaster (the one at Kings Island, not Dominion), so I don't have any reference to the "braking pain" many here refer to. My mom never wanted to wait in a long line (still doesn't). However, why is it that an adult is allowed to ride in a ride when accompanied by a child under x inches, but a person over x inches cannot ride alone? Is this to keep lines down? (Some exceptions, though, like Veggie Tales' Sideshow Spin at Dollywood.)
  21. I don't see this happening (as much as I would like it), I'm pretty sure Cedar Point signed a contract with B&M when they built Raptor that they cannot build another Invert within 400 miles (as the crow flies) from Cedar Point. Source? And what happens if Kings Island were to construct a beemer invert?
  22. ^Haha, thanks! Glad someone likes them (other than me! )
  23. That's what I'm looking forward to: "Oh no! I didn't do everything! Guess we'll have to do that again!"
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