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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. Oh, so is it a maintenence path or a pathway to Timberwolf? Also, I've never heard of Congo (the movie). As a side note, why would Paramount "theme" a ride to something that nobody's heard of?
  2. Well when Action Zone did debut, Congo Falls stuck out as an odd-one-out sorta ride. On a related note, why does Kings Island still supply power to the Adventure Village lamp posts? (Gordon, you read my mind!)
  3. BMW owns the rights to Mini Coopers, just not Fort Cooper... D'oh!
  4. To me, it seems that the 18+ group is sometimes worse than the 13+. People smoking on rides, smoking in lines, picking fights, among others. So the older group doesn't mean that it is the most mature.
  5. I agree with jdawg. However, Joncars05, not all teens are misbehaved when dropped off at the park. I know I'm not. But I also see your point of the argument. I can not begin to tell you how many time's I've gotten flicked off on The Racer, told to f*** off on The Beast, heard "THE BLUE RACER SUCKS!" when younger kids are clearly in audible distance, etc. In short, I think that there are "good" people who get dropped off, who do not line jump, who don't curse, and who don't run. So, I say increase in price to about $90 for a renewal of Gold.
  6. Diamondback Ride Op: You are about to ride the tallest, fastest, meanest, slowest, longest, shortest, dryest, wettest ride in the park, Diamondback!
  7. It was reported awhile back that it would receive TG treatment, and this article is, like GYK said, neither here nor there. I think the TG treatment could come to fruition.
  8. It seems like Rivertown has the top two coasters at KI. Not to mention it had best flat ride from 2002-2007. Harsh... Just... Harsh...
  9. In the Action River, or Splash River as it has been somewhat appropriately dubbed, sounds like a huge dissappointment to general crowds this year. The could still have the water effects, but instead of powerwashing you, just a light pour. You don't need Shoot-the-RidersRapids style blasters, but a gentle spritz. That is where the spitting beagle would best fit!
  10. Only if you take your spelling pills.
  11. If you didn't give me that like, I would feel obliged to tell you that one-worded posts also violate the Terms of Service. Luckily, I didn't have to say that. Did you even read the ToS?
  12. It would be folly to remove The Racer. The day they remove her, the day I stop going.
  13. And were posted here awhile back.
  14. Can we either A. Lock this or B. Let it die and move to http://www.KICentral...tion-wish-list/ ?
  15. Uhh... Why did that go into my dead TR instead of your own (which you don't need to create if THAT'S what we have to look forward to)? Heads up: If you don't capitalize, say "to" instead of "2", etc, you won't get far on these forums (yes, that's right, not a chat room).
  16. Leave my Oktoberfest alone! I do agree, however, with your Action Zone point. It's outdated. What's worse, is that it's only 13 years old.
  17. You see, I consider Flight of Fear a near-Disney quality experience. With just a few updates (like on-board audio and such), it'd be on par with Rock 'n Rollercoaster. Good theming doesn't always entail massive amounts of detail. It really depends on the theme. My main beef with it is that it doesn't fit in with the surrounding area but regardless, it's still a well done attraction with a clear story from the moment you enter (well, unless they've changed it since I was last there in 2004). Technically, we do have on-board audio (the Outer Limits score--something I hold near and dear to my heart). I wouldn't necessarily call Flight of Fear a "near Disney experience". Well, at least not the 2012 form. In my most humble opinion, I think that the 2011 color pallete was wonderful (dark blues, greens, reds) as opposed to 2012 (kind of red, yellowish, blue?). It seems like 2012 was a sad attempt at getting the queue to look a bit different. But on a side note, I'm glad that they play the score from the ride while you're exiting! (have I mentioned I love that score?)
  18. So there's no source? Folks, he's admitted that he hasn't talked to suits, and suits haven't talked to him!
  19. I agree, that Kings Island has let some rides go. Few notes about what I observed at the park today: Flight Deck- The ride had a wait extending to the bottom of the station stairs today when I was there. Unpopular? Kinda. It doesn't draw the Top Gun crowds, but it still does draw people in. Also, the ride looks good as far as aesthetics go. The Racer- My God does this ride need some good powerwashing and painting. The tunnels look revolting, what with the gum, dirt, finger marks, etc. The trains are fine. The Blue side is in need of desperate tracking done over the offseason, it's just unbearably rough. Red side is incredibly smooth. Adventure Express- I think Kings Island is in the right direction with this ride. Last year, the creaking on the first lift was gone, but hath returned this season! Red lights in the third tunnel, Bubba's mouth is moving. However, there are still cons to the experience. The red lights in the third tunnel are minimal, the door is often left wide open in the last tunnel, "tiki men" are left unlit, the first tunnel is completely dark, and there is just plain 'ol lights in the second tunnel. Now, I hope for the best, but the cons outweigh the pros by far.
  20. Action Zone's color scheme is red, yellow, blue, white, green. Isn't blue in that scheme? So how does Invertigo not fit? I think it looks spectacular. If anything, Congo Falls doesn't fit.
  21. ^And the suits don't talk to anyone else here, either.
  22. "Friends who are higher ups" won't disclose information to you without the public knowing as well. I doubt Congo Falls will be removed soon, as parts are easy to come by, ridership is moving along, and it offers great relief on a hot day. Also, even though you claim no source (*cough* Brian5457E *cough*), it is possible that your "friends" gave you misinformation to sound like a troll on a forum.
  23. Honestly, Montu didn't do much for me. I liked how it interacted with the walkways and the terrain, but there weren't any forces that stood out to me.
  24. Do not generalize... Don't you think that if Cedar Fair could make it much more thrilling, they would have? The ride, sad to say, was on life support in it's last years, and the 9-flip cycle did a couple numbers on the machinery as well. When the ride was Tomb Raider: The Ride, it suffered moisture exposure (something the ride was never meant to be exposed to), causing problems with the machinery. I loved The Crypt for what it offered, and I didn't expect anything more. The pleasant surprises I found were what made the ride wonderful. Also, The Crypt would be seen in the public's eyes as a ride that wasted their time, so why would they ride something that wasted their time, even though marketing says otherwise.
  25. I distinctly recall Brian5475E telling us the announcement will be made sooner than that, as well as what the announcement is.
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