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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. ^500 points to markr! At the time, I thought it was a good idea. Under the bridge, I looked at my friend, saying "So THAT'S why told me that standing under a tree was a bad thing!" At the moment, it was somewhat scary, being that there were a ton of people huddled in a bridge, probably never meant to handle that many people in that high of winds, but when we got out, I was glad that happened. It created fond memories for each of us. Side note: I need to bring my camera to the park more often! I was stuck taking eerie pictures of Planet Snoopy with my cruddy phone camera!
  2. Islands of Adventure: 3. All of Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls (omit car design) 2. All of the Incredible Hulk (omit launch and roll out of launch) 1. Launch and roll out of launch on the Incredible Hulk. Universal Studios Orlando: 3. Spinning on Men in Black Alien Attack 2. The "Station" scene on Revenge of the Mummy! That was hilarious! That and the upwards launch. 1. Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit's "loop". Six Flags Great America: 3. Demon's tunnel. 2. All of Raging Bull. 1. Superman Ultimate Flight. Geauga Lake: 1. The Big Dipper Cedar Point: 3. Magnum's final air time hills that kill your legs. 2. The turns of Millennium Force while on Millennium Island Adventure Island. 1. Maverick IN THE FRONT ONLY. Disney World: 3. Space Mountain. 2. Big Thunder Mountain/Expedition Everest. 1. Haunted Mansion. Kings Dominion: 3. Dominator's cobra roll and loop. 2. Intimidator 305. 1. The Crypt (duh) Busch Gardens Europe: 3. Alpengeist's cobra roll over the water 2. Loch Ness Monster's interlocking loops and tunnel 1. Griffon! Busch Gardens Africa: 3. Cheetah Hunt's figure 8 and launches/quick turns through Rhino Rally 2. Gwazi's twisted layout 1. All of Kumba And, well, yeah. I think I gotses em all (though I doubt many here really care!)
  3. 1 entrance is sufficient. We've done just fine with 1 entrance for 40 years. I think we're good.
  4. So today (6/29), I went to the park with 2 other people (making for an uneven riding group). Now, insead of going on about the same stuff you guys always hear about, I decided to do something different. Instead of telling you what I did at Kings Island, I'll just give out pointers about what I heard and saw today. Delirium was making a couple test runs as the storms cleared out. I find this to be a good sign (it was also making runs yesterday)--I would look for this to open relatively soon. Ride operators were very funny. Despite the hot and sticky weather, they seemed to be in pretty good moods. Ride associates are very good about emergencies and park guests (you'll hear more later). Workers of all sorts were reccommending getting water and staying hydrated. Some Planet Snoopy ride ops are somewhat obnoxious, something I find not appropriate for the younger kids. On Adventure Express, the 2nd lift soundtrack was turned off, but it was the first time I saw Bubba's mouth move? If I think of anything else about my day, I'll add. But here's probably the better part of my TR. The Storms- We three saw the storms creeping up on Action Zone. We all said "Hey. It's gonna rain!" So naturally, we headed to White Water Canyon. Thinking it would only be a mild rainfall, we thought "Well, we're gonna get wet anyways, so lets get soaked!" As we headed towards White Water Canyon, the sky began to darken. We rented a locker for 2 hours, then went to White Water Canyon. We were at the turntable, and they were starting to get people out of the rafts. A ride associate came by telling us that they were closed, so we could either wait it out or seek shelter elsewhere. She did reccommend that we seek shelter, as "it's supposed to get really bad." So we turned around, and I made the helpful decision of "Well, why don't we just stand under a tree and wait it out!" For 500 points, will anyone tell me why that is a bad idea? It was asked legitly, by the way. It's no secret that White Water Canyon is a bit off the beaten path, right? The humidity dropped immensly as we were walking back, and the winds started to pick up. There were small sticks and branches flying. As the wind began to pick up (it was reported that it was 80 mph at the worst), us three and about 20-30 other people who were in line ran as fast as we could to the first covered bridge that you encounter (goes above the train tracks). We all crammed in there (both the exit and the queue), and ducked. Following that, a huge tree limb snapped right before us, blocking our way to appropriate shelter. There was a ride op on the queue side of the bridge. When the wind and rain died down enough, she told everyone to get off the bridge, go around to where you could walk across (a walkway between the exit and queue--which wasn't far), and come back through the queue side so you could climb under the limb. The ride ops all came by to help at this point. The ride op above asked if we were OK, and the other 2 were on either side of the tree limb making sure it wouldn't fall ontop of us. We all had to crouch to get under, but we all got to shelter safely. Thank God nobody was hurt. Now here's a nice touch that I praise Kings Island highly for: Security, Maintenence, and all the Ride Operators were there to assure us that we would be safe, and to seek shelter immediately. They were all very confident, reassuring, and professional, and helped keep the patrons calmed. Thank you Kings Island! So, most of us either headed out to A. Rivertown Junction or B. The area behind the World's Greatest Funnel Cake stand. I chose the latter. As I was waiting, I saw the 2 Maintenence officials hop over the Race for your Life Charlie Brown fence with a chainsaw. The thing I liked about this was that they immediately began clearing the path, not waiting for better weather. I don't know if anyone else would understand, but it made me feel a whole lot better. Now, I don't know if any of that made any sense at all, but if it didn't, tell me and I'll edit it!
  5. Why the %$#@ would we get a North Entrance when the other entrance is so close?
  6. Harsh.... No matter! I stand by my opinion! And yes, Vortex's drop is amazing.
  7. Unless the whiner throws a huge fit, then in that case, they technically do decide. In which case the parent(s) do not take them.
  8. Parents will enjoy any moment that their child is laughing on rides, or just enjoying their time in the park (or wherever for that matter).
  9. What therapy? I think Crypt may need therapy thinking that! Obviously his therapy hasn't worked since he remembers zilch of it. That and his signature still has Boomerang Bay names.
  10. It doesn't really matter if the adults like the kids' area or not. It's targeted towards kids, and if the kids don't like it, they don't go. No whippersnapper is gonna say something like "I really hate it, but I'll go because you like it, even though I won't have a good time."
  11. Somewhat. Blue didn't really have many riders, nor did Red. On Blue, there were 2 girls talking to each other. But other than that, yes.
  12. Girl Gurrrrrrrl, you got that right! I saw them doing that when I went there. I think that Kings Island should have done something similar, but can there be a copyright on the way something is done? If so, has Universal done it?
  13. The way Universal/Islands of Adventure executes it is phenomenal. I was hardly aware of anyone using it, unless I saw it (which I did a few times). It was wonderful knowing that it was there, but it didn't do anything significant to you.
  14. ^I agree wholeheartedly. The Arrow coasters seemed to get drops right. B&M's? They go to a max point, then immediately start to flatten out. Vortex gets my stomach a little better than that of Diamondback.
  15. I hope videogames never plague Kings Island again (Tomb Raider, technically). But really? Video games? That just sounds stupid to me.
  16. What's your favorite moment on any ride? I would say I have 3 favorites. 3. Vortex's corkscrews. The hangtime is absolutely amazing. 2. Adventure Express' Gs. It has some strong laterals from the 1st lift-2nd. 1. The area from the MCBR-brake run on Flight of Fear. I love the short but sweet hangtime on the corkscrew, the highspeed turns around the floor, the teasing of changing directions after the MCBR (banked left, straightens out, banks left again,etc), and the overall roughness. EDIT: Can't believe I left this out! My other #1 favorite is a tie between Flight of Fear and The Crypt's hangtime in the controlled flips. I loved that you hung against the restraints. Side note- Behind The Crypt's former building, there's either a seat from the defunct gondola, or it's a test seat. But it's just sitting there, easily visible and identifiable from The Beast's brake run. Any thoughts?
  17. You do, it's just very quick. I like the freedom from it (no headbanging), but it's just too quick.
  18. Today at the park, I was riding the Red Racer. While we were waiting for our ops to check our restraints, the Blue Racer guy (I will not name fingers and point names) was trying to intimidate us Reds. Blue: Hey guys, you wanna intimidate Red? Don't scream or yell or any of that. We don't need that. Instead, as you're going up the lift, just stare at them. Dead. Silence. Red: You wanna intimidate Blue? On your way up the lift, scream AS LOUD AS YOU CAN.
  19. Wow. BB1, you may have finished therapy! You actually called all the slides by their new Soak City names! I'm so proud.
  20. Yes, I realize that. For the longest time, I didn't realize Vallejo isn't in Texas, but in Cali. If it wasn't for my friend who lives in California, I would still be believing it's in Texas.
  21. Booboo's Baggage Claim. I still hate Paramount for taking him out. That and the Flying Eagles.
  22. Wow! Kings Island's Crypt was so amazing when it operated! It always had a line and was "a favorite among park guests"! Everyone here loved it in 2011!
  23. I thought Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (where the new Premier launcher is opening--Superman) was in Texas...
  24. It's pretty FUN at the dominion.
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