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Posts posted by Shawn Meyer
7 hours ago, Klabergian Empire said:
My reasoning:
I respect your opinion, but I'm the opposite here. If done right, they could pull of a similar layout with a ground up rmc. It doesn't have to be record breaking, just fun!
I just mentioned this in another topic, but they could relocate Congo falls to another area of the park. Somewhere closer to the other water rides. Just a thought.
On 6/28/2019 at 3:06 PM, WoodVengeance said:
I don't like the idea of Congo Falls getting torn out, but I know it's also not that popular of an attraction anymore so Cedar Fair may very well consider it. It may be a bit far-fetched, but if Congo Falls does get removed, I would hope that at some point in the distant future, Kings Island puts in a Mack Rides Power Splash or Water Coaster in Rivertown where the TR;TR building is.
I think with the news of Vortex being removed, maybe just maybe they could move Congo falls in the plot of land that Vortex used. I would prefer they build another roller coaster in that land, but that's an option if they want to add a roller coaster in Action Zone.
On 8/28/2019 at 10:27 PM, kirbias1 said:I think it is comical that a lot of people are predicting a record breaking RMC for the next coaster at KI. I do believe it will be a ground up RMC hybrid, but it will have similar stats to Twisted Timbers, not SV. Cedar Fair has obviously shown us that they are not interested in building record breaking rides at KI (with the exception of Banshee's longest inverted coaster record, which no one really cares about). The good news is that Twisted Timbers is a great ride.
Here's what I'm really thinking. I'm thinking they'll put a ground up rmc in the spot of Vortex and make it similar to how Twisted Timbers was built. And I want to quote my sister when she says, why does everything have to be record breaking? Kings Island has nostalgia with the fountains, international street, and family atmosphere. If you want record breaking, go to Cedar Point. Getting back to what I was saying, I agree with you dude and believe that they should build the rmc ground up similar to Twisted Timbers, but make it a little longer to accommodate three trains. Just go in the pattern of Maverick in a way. It wasn't the tallest or fastest, but was the steepest and still is the steepest at Cedar Point.
For the pages that said testing should be starting up soon, that's just crazy talk. Why would they test when there's snow on the ground.?
I wonder why they decided to go for the lift hill? Figured that would be the last thing they touch. Maybe the turnaround is challenging? Also dumb question here, but will they take out the footers from Vortex too?
^ Just so you know, I'll still be there, but not part of the event. If the event was still selling tickets like normally in past years, I would probably have bought my ticket next week.
^ I was one of those people. Plus I didn't have the money right away.
I didn't have the money right away and by time I could have made a decision, the event was sold out. I'm surprised by how fast this sold out. It's like it was the off-season tour at Cedar Point or something.
Well Wild Gravity Travels wasn't the only facebook page that messed up earlier today. I don't know If anyone has seen my page before, but I run Cedar Fair Photo Fanpage. Anyway, I made the mistake of posting that Orion was finished too. However, I don't think I'm that well known yet. I only have 500 likes. Hopefully, after reading this post, some of you might look me up.
Question. When they finish constructing Orion, will they move construction equipment over towards Vortex? Also would this mean Vortex would come down in a matter of days?
^ Good point there King Ding Dong. I should have mentioned that I think a new roller coaster will make it's debut in 2022 in the spot of Vortex.
In my opinion, they are removing the station and ride because they have plans that involve not only widening the midway, but also for adding a new ride/roller coaster in a year or two. Just my opinion here, but they will probably put in a new roller coaster and we'll all be shocked when it debuts.
5 hours ago, BeeastFarmer said:
I don't think KI will get an RMC unless they can quiet down thier anti rollbacks. Imagine the noise complaints with that!
Not all rmc rollercoasters are as loud as Steel Vengeance.
On 1/10/2020 at 1:03 AM, jj20coloh said:
As I have said before things just don't add up. Corkscrew is older than Vortex, there are several Arrows that are out there that are older than Vortex and deal with more weathering than Vortex, so how is it that our Arrow is the one that's at the end of its life cycle? I think that there's more than what we are told, an iconic ride like Vortex at Kings Island isn't just sent off into the sunset like KI did, Mantis got new trains and made into a new ride, Mean Streak got an RMC overhaul. Who's to say there's not something in the works. There's nothing in the works to replace it sure, that's the parks way of getting around us coaster geeks, but maybe it comes back in a way with something better. New track, new trains, new layout, we shall see.
Yeah I think there's something in the works honestly. KI is just messing with us so we don't see anything leaked like we did with Orion. Don't let that picture above fool you, there's something in the works. We're just not supposed to know right now.
It's cool how they left up some Christmas lights for the month of January. If I had my own house, I would keep Christmas lights up outside from December thru February.
On 12/28/2019 at 10:33 AM, DownInRivertown said:
I really hope they do something cool with Vortex’s space! I love the idea they had with bringing back the antiques cars — fun for families and brings back nostalgia for older people. I would really like to see them bring back a revamped version of an old attraction.
I mentioned this in another topic, but I would love for Kings Island to get an rmc to fill the empty space of Vortex. As far as updating the Planet Snoopy area, I'm not sure what you would throw in there to make it better. Maybe throw in another kid friendly roller coaster? As far as an old attraction, I would love if they brought something back that was part of Coney Island history way back when.
I know this might be irrelevant to the topic, but has anyone heard when Opening day might be in 2020?
On 11/27/2019 at 1:17 AM, super7 said:
I just hope they do t whack down the trees inside of the turn around after the first drop. Kings Islands tree cover gets more sparse each year and those trees will make The Beast more exposed if they are destroyed.
Did you mean to say don't?
Doesn't look like the construction workers are working today. Maybe they have black friday off. Good for them.
7 minutes ago, Ben43065 said:
^ I doubt the station will be reused but they could theoretically use the queue house below the station and further expand it.
Are you talking where guests actually boarded the trains?
Hey I know everyone doesn't know the future for the land that Vortex currently sits on, but just curious here. Does anyone think they'll try to re-use the station a third time? It would be interesting to me, but they would have to open up a whole new queue house and connect it like they did with Maverick at Cedar Point to make it work. If we get that RMC ground up wooden roller coaster in a couple years, it would be really special to a lot of people If the station was re-used a third time. Just a thought everyone.
11 hours ago, IndyGuy4KI said:
That lead car looks so shiny that I'm glad it's not on the track right now. There's something about it being on the showroom floor that makes me want to go to a car show. Everyone know what I mean by this statement?
It's really cool how they built Orion around the maintenance sheds in the area. That's what I'm most impressed about. I figured one of those would've been removed to make way for Orion.
Coasterstock 2020 May 15, 16 (On Sale Monday Feb 3)
in Kings Island
I hope everyone has a blast at Coaster stock this year. In case nobody read it on the last page, I'll still be there with my friends, but not part of the event.