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Shawn Meyer

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Posts posted by Shawn Meyer

  1. Not to break the excitement of the testing that has begun, but I had a question. Does anyone know If I can upgrade an E-ticket to season pass? My dad bought me an e-ticket for Kings Island on opening day but I want to upgrade it to a season pass. I'm a normal season pass holder every year, but since my dad helped me get the car that I'm driving now, he said I was on my own this year. So anyone who can help with this would be awesome.

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  2. ^ I agree with you about how they are both special in their own way, but I have to give the nod to The Beast. I grew up riding The Beast with my family since the early 90s to 2001. I still went after that year, but we all grew up in the family and it was hard to get us all together. Long story short, I love going to Kings Island now with my good friends now and days. Mystic Timbers is an awesome ride and like others have said, it would be cool to see what The Beast would be like today if it was built by GCI in today's world. The only thing I would change about The Beast is that they don't trim it half to death. I remember when they used to let The Beast go crazy without the trims. Getting back to Mystic Timbers though, I love how they incorporated a story behind the ride along with a theme. You can say what you want to about the Shed, but to me it's fun to listen to the music in the dark before you find out what's going to greet you before getting back to the station. I personally love the Bats coming at me the most. The song I love the most is Man eater, hence my signature.

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  3. On 10/17/2018 at 9:33 AM, JudeHoward said:

    The upward pattern people see is based off 3 gigas. Two of which were only 305 and 306 feet tall. They only topped it with Fury. The other two are the shortest Gigas in the industry.

    Not to be funny here, but what if they decided to go back before Fury and just make it 307 feet? If you make it just as thrilling as Intimidator 305 but two feet taller, the average guest isn't going to care as long as it's fun! The only people that might care or notice are the fanboys or enthusiasts.

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