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Posts posted by Sonofbeast2.0

  1. Main thing I would want is a highly themed, multiple launch, ride from Premier Rides. Also would want the return of TR:TR expect waterproofed and more efficient motors that can support all the weight of all 3 rows.

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  2. I really hope KI's next ride is a dark ride. But then comes the question of how well will they maintain it? KI, has gotten a little better it seems in the past year or two on keeping theming up. I think we could use something competently new, dark ride experience to the park. Something that takes a page out of Universal's, Amazing Spider-Man ride. Something that requires a min height of 40-42in (since the park doesn't have much in the way of that height range), also it could be a fairly intense of a ride.

    • Like 5
  3. On Mean Streak, I am unable to comprehend how in the world you failed to find the second row excessively rough. Wow. Your definition of "rough" is clearly different from mine.

    Try the last row of the train.

    (Actually, don't.)

    Out of my 3 maybe 4 rides on the ride, I rode the back on my last ride and that was my favorite seat!

  4. Love Mean Streak! I rode it at dusk and the screeching the ride made with the combo of a few bumps, it was an amazing ride! What caught me off guard the most was the fact that it stops on a fairly steep slop right before the station. This is defiantly up their with my favorite wooden coasters!

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  5. Haunt is honestly my favorite time of year to see the park! It is all tricked out with an interesting soundtrack, cool lighting, and fog effects, and last but not least the monsters and all their blood and guts! Then it is also the best time to get some night rides in on your favorite rides. I love driving up to the park and just see this thin layer of fog rolling out into the parking lot. It gives it a very eerie and creepy feeling, which I am all for! Christmas and haunted house season are a close tie for me... Don't mind seeing them mixed together during Haunt season as well. :)

    • Like 7
  6. My, how Nick has changed (worse) since then! I miss Rugrats, Jimmy Neutron, Catdog,Wild Thornberrys and i'm sure their was more I liked but just cant recall...

    As for game shows, GUTS! (we go to see a reboot of the show, live, at Universal Orlando back in 2008 or so? was called My Family has/got GUTS!), Double Dare, Finders Keepers, the video game one (can't think of name, they had to control a person called Mikey and avoid stepping on a trap when they move him. Then at the end they always played some games in what I assume was VR.), Legends of the Hidden Temple, Figure it Out (which also had a reboot not to long ago, like 2011-2013, somewhere around their.) They used to have a channel that played nothing but these old games on Dish Network, which was booted off for a western time zone, Cartoon Network... (I like watching Boomreg as well, which as of recent has been mixing some new cartoons on their with the old, not liking that...)

    I'm sure their is also more game show I can't think of, that I liked as well!

    • Like 7
  7. Well the logical answer is they are removing the ride! Also had to get rid of Shake Rattle and Roll because it is affected by Vortex's sinking... Now don't even get me started on the Arcade in the Coney Mall area!

    Note: this was a high level of sarcasm.

    • Like 7
  8. A roller coaster company called Mack, has been testing VR headsets while riding on a roller coaster. They sync up the animation on the VR headset, with the course of the ride! As far as I can tell you choose your video and then your off!

    Here is the article:


    here is just the video of it in action:

    Their will be some negatives from this though... MUCH slower load times, people who would rather see the the coaster instead of a video, while on the ride, equipment being broken, if the video ever goes out of sync... and other negative things.

    Positives: this is you could use this on any coaster really! Like while riding FoF, have sound effects going off during the ride that syncs up with the alien related video on the VR headset.

    One thing that could be an issue as well is, each row would have to have the video synced up at a slightly different time.

    • Like 3
  9. What really bothers me is why do people have to hate/bash another person for being different? So what a guy like/loves a guy or a girl likes/loves a girl! Why must some people be so aggressive and negative to someone that is gay, bisexual, or transsexual? Next thing is why is marriage of the same gender such a terrible thing too!? why not let two people be happy together? Why do parents kick out their "sinful" children for liking the same sex? If you ask me, it's all stupid and pointless! Let people be happy! That's all they want too! How would you like it if I came up to you and started preaching to you and saying your going to hell, just because your with the person you love or you are being your true self?

    If you ask me, it should be an amendment, to allow anyone to marry the same sex in all 50 states in the USA! Also I think their should be laws against getting rid of your child because of who they like!

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  10. Something like TR: TR could always return. But with a different name, similar feeling to TR: TR not, The Crypt. Simple name changing from TR: TR and a different experience from that but still feeling quite well themed. Heck they could call it something like Tomb Runner: The Ride (TR: TR), as long as no legal issues, and their ya go!

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  11. Witches Wheel doesn't make me nervous but does make make feel uncomfortable when I get on it. I keep wondering where is the seatbelt, and what would happen if the ride just stop at full tilt.

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  12. I think next year will be good... I think for HHN 25 (next year) they will go back to some older houses and maybe have an overall icon again... Sure it's always about making money but HHN 22-24 feels like, "lets do the popular things right now, and make even more off of it!" I have high hopes for HHN 25. Please UOR, DON'T SMASH THEM! If their is Walking Dead for HHN 25 (love the show just like I said doesn't scare me much), I will loose even more hope in HHN, which isn't much anymore. This year, if i'm not mistaken, The Walking Dead is their biggest house ever...

    • Like 1
  13. Ah beta's! For the most part I have had good luck when using beta versions of products. If I get the option or opportunity to be in a open or closed beta‚ (with the exception of beta GPU drivers... Those just make me nervous!) I participate in it. I like trying new stuff ahead of its release. I did get to partake in a Alpha ounce. It was about to move into beta though but I did get to be in it and I thought that was really cool! (It was Density ‚ a MMO videogame that is coming out later this year.) I am also playing a game on Steam Early Access that could very well be classified as being in alpha. It is called Theme Park Studio. The game just now allows you to build and test coasters. Only issue is the whole interface for the game is quite confusing and could use some fixing/overhaul‚ also some major optimization! On a good day with animations running ill get 24fps... If I had to guess this game would probably be out late this year at the earliest!

  14. If I had a ride to choose to propose on it would be SoB. Even if I knew the outcome of the ride. Now just hear me out!

    At the top of the hill right before the drop, I would say "will you marry me"? Hopefully the answer would be yes. Then after the ride give the ring and enjoy the rest of the day at the park, then later on (not the same day of course) get married. Now SoB can symbolize a marriage in many ways... First: it is a strong powerful thing. Some days will speed by, some will be slow, some days might be plan out rough. Over time that marriage might begin to bow and give way a little (2006 incident). Sure no one wants that to happen but it might and it can! After that you might fix things and everything will be okay for a while. Things might heat up again... it might start crumbling away worse than it did before (mid 2009-mid 2012). You look at ways and outcomes to fix it but the end result is clear, Something is got to change... Maybe you spend some time apart for a while or you try and settle things down between you two for a while. And it works. You slowly, start rebuilding your relationship with the person you love and this time it is a lot stronger. Knowing everything about one another always telling the truth, a relationship strong as steel. But that doesn't mean life isn't going to threw you for a few loops over the years... But always in the end, everything evens out and you make each other smile and laugh threw all the good and the bad times, you have had together.

    I hope this makes as much sense, as it did in my mind...

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  15. Hey - they could replace all the "boos" with midget wrestling animatronics - even use Red Gold ketchup, doctored-up, for the blood! THEN add your booze and voila - instant new hit attraction that beats Pirates of the Caribbean any day!

    Also no reports of finger tips being lost on the ride! So theirs that going for them too!

    Midget Blaster on Booze Hill or Booze Blaster on Midget Hill.

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