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Posts posted by Sonofbeast2.0

  1. Lol, "New for 2019! Booze Blasters on Booze Hill! This is truly a leap for the park, as we try and liquor up the parents as they try and deal with their kids all day. For the price of $15 you can ride Booze Blasters on Booze Hill, and try and drink as much alcohol you can and also with your Booze Blaster, you can shoot it at other people! You will get drunk, may get trashed!"

    Note: This would be some bad PR,new ride, and bad parenting. I am dying of laughter right now lol!

    • Like 6
  2. If KI has something planned for 2019, it would probably be just now in development. I mean heck Wind Seeker was 5 years wasn't it? So maybe the park knows what attraction to build or maybe a budget but that's probably the max at the moment...

    As for me, a new dark ride experience. Either something completely new built from the ground up or a major overhaul to Boo Blasters on Boo Hill, and changing it to something else.

    Edit: lol, thanks Terpy!

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  3. I think this is a crazy policy! If said person meets the pass requirements for a kids pass, the time of purchase, then it should be valid for the whole year even if they go over the height requirement or age requirement for that matter. Let's say 500 kids get caught for this and need to pay the extra difference in the "upgrade" in pass (for a standard season pass), over the course of the 2014 season that would amount to: $13,000 in profit gain for the park... That could probably be easily spent in a day or two, for the park!

  4. At least one poster here counts Revenge of the Mummy in Orlando among his top three coasters on Earth!

    Unless your referring to someone else, that would be me! SoB #1, Revenge of the Mummy #2 and The Beast #3. Out of all the coasters I have ever rode, I love this ride! Truly nothing like it!

    As for Pumpkin Juice it is something you can take a few drinks of and it tastes good but much more that and you will probably get a belly ache (at least from my experience).

    I really want to go back to the park now! Like jcgoble3, I probably won't get to until sometime mid to late next year... Maybe not even next year...

    UOR is my favorite park period! (With KI being 3rd). But almost every time we leave from Florida/UOR, I feel like a part of me died...

    Fun fact: I read on Inside the Magic (a Orlando based theme park group), that they sell telescopes in one of the shops inside Diagion Alley, and some of the most expeinsve telescopes, use pieces of the old JAWS! boats! I think that is really cool!

    • Like 4
  5. Think of all the times you sit on that toilet seat. You indirectly touched mutiple people's butt's... And fairly high chance you not gonna run over to the sink and put your butt in their and soap it down...

    Theirs also, water fountains, ride restraints, the water from a water ride, those tray you use to pick up your food (some of them don't get cleaned properly), doors, and soo much more!

    Here's a final thing to think of, you turned on the water to wash your hands, if you touch that again with your hands, you just got your hands dirty again, with someone that has been wiping their butt or just got done using a urinal...

  6. Universal doesn't have an unlimited option, unless you have a hotel room key from a deluxe on-property resort hotel or bundle it with an admission package for big bucks - sort of a VIP tour equivalent.

    At least as of August 2012, the unlimited pass was available for sale to the public at the parks (but not online). I know this as I inquired at Guest Services about upgrading my one-time-per-attraction pass that I had purchased online to unlimited, and was told that I could do so for the difference in price. I ended up not doing it because I didn't need it due to low crowd levels, but it is, or at least was, available to the public in-park.

    Used to also get free unlimited after 4pm on my families Premier Passes. And I think in 2012 they did away with unlimited and dropped it to 1 per ride, after 4pm...

    Me and my family go to Universal Orlando at least ounce a year, but due to their rising prices now, we aren't even going this year and possibly not next year either. ( would love to go for HHN 25 next year! I bet that year will great!)

    For a 4 day two park ticket, that is about the same price as one adult platinum pass!

  7. If I am correct, doesn't Cedar Fair have licensing towards Paramount names, logos, themes, effects, & props until 2016(edited from the response below)? Therefore creating an idea that Mr. Ouimet could have integrated their themes even with the, at the time, new Cedar Fair spearhead effort to "clean up" the Island.

    You are not correct. Cedar Fair initially had certain rights for ten years from June 30, 2006, with others only for six years It gave up those rights early, probably receiving a remuneration therefor.

    So does that mean something like BLSC or AE loosing all or whats left of their theming in 2016? Require name changes of rides like AE and Delirium? I'm kind of confused on these certain rights that they have till 2016...
  8. Heard this ome today.

    Just when The Racer rolled back into the station a kid that was no older than 12 years old said: "This ride is bad@$$!". And his I would assume dad was sitting next to me on The Racer and all he said is "Where you hear that?" I was like I probably would of liked smacked my kid (if I ever/when I have kids)! The dad didn't say anything else or even say what he said firmly ‚ he said it as if he was the kids friend!

    • Like 3
  9. I think we will see something taller at KI in the next 10 years (coaster wise). Hopefully not something like 250ft, just barely breaking the record. Hopefully more like 300+ft. Also wouldn't mind it being from a different company other than B&M. Love the company, just would like to see something from a different company.

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  10. I loved the clock/time running out theme. The line always made me nervous because of the ticking clocks. I am surprised more of these didn't pop up, then again I think this ride would have been more popular today with families being the key demographic and not thrill seekers.

    Men in Black at Universal Studios Orlando used it right when your boarding. I think the timer is set at 15 seconds...

    • Like 1
  11. Gosh my second double post today!

    The site has been loading slow (especially at night it seems like) and I know it is not my internet speeds. Using Chrome with the latest version.

    Lol, right after posting this, the site is loading much quicker.

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  12. I have Anxiety over silly little things. Like if tomorrow I was to be going to KI, I would be excited but so nervous (for no good reason) that my mouth is really dry, I can't eat anything and I usually feel quite sick. Some cases I get so bad I am shaking and freezing... I have started to work on that though. I usually question myself, why am I so nervous? Nothing is going to hurt me and I am going to have a great day! It does help a little...

    Depression, I question some things and why do they have to be this way... I do a fair job at overcoming that, though, I usually will try listening to something upbeat or happy, but if that doesn't help, I will start with something slow and sad and slowly try and work my way up. Very rarely do I go all day being sad and depressed. Night time is usually when I feel some depression... Like right now, but I work myself out of it. I am almost always a happy go lucky person though. I feel as though it is almost my job to make sure others are happy too. :)

    Now for the weight loss, the main thing I can think of is eat less and don't snack between meals. It sounds very hard and it can be but the key is, not to focus on it. If you start feeling hungry, maybe try playing on your computer or phone or something. If you have a gaming console or handheld, play some games on that as well. These can also help with the Depression. If you drink pop, switch to Coke Zero, the taste isn't that great at first but just keep drinking it and then it won't be as bad. What made my weight loss the hardest was my family, they are quite negative towards each other or me if anyone says anything about a diet or weight loss. They always say "you will never do it! You won't do it!" So instead of saying anything about me trying to loose weight, I just did it! The other day right before I was leaving for KI, My sister said something about how that shirt made me look slimmer, and that made my day because I knew I was slimmer. :)

    Should be worth noting by no means am I skinny (yet...) and by no means am I psychically fit. My top concern at the moment is weight loss and turning my life around. Which as for my life as of recent seems to be heading in the wrong direction...

    At the end of the day, be yourself! Try and do whatever is best for you! I'll be here if you need some support. :)

    • Like 1
  13. Are you on mobile?

    Like all Cedar Fair parks, the KI mobile site is rather sad. And not very functional.

    FLASH! Desktops are fading away........

    We're on it with improving the mobile app. You'll see changes to the app in the foreseeable future.

    What about adding an option to report ride wait times?

    • Like 2
  14. While in line for Maverick (plan om doing TR soon especially since this was my first ever visit to CP) a girl behind me was talking about riding Mean Streak to her friend and her friend said "oh no I don't ride wooden coaster"! Why must wooden coasters get such a bad wrap?

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  15. I thought someone was having a spaz attack with a title like this to a thread...

    Looks like you had lots of fun!

    Is Mr.Six (the bald old looking dude) still a part of Six Flags? Sorry if that is a stupid question never been to a Six Flags, would love to though!

    • Like 4
  16. Not a new ride, but a renewing ride experiences. I say for 2016 they put 2-4 million, or less if a budget that high isn't need for said ride, into their "heavily themed (or ounce was well themed)" rides.

    BLSC: Bring all effects back to former glory (as long as their not stepping on any legal issues). also repaint the track to help prevent corrosion from water effects. Possibly create a back story as well?

    Boo's Blasters on Boo's Hill: New high quality/build targets and guns, remove the skeletons at the end and put something in that is more fitting, Allow for the ghosts to "shoot/attack" back and if they get a hit on your vehicle then it will spin around (unknown is this is cable with the technology used on the cars themselves?), return the "smoke screen effect", Add a back story to the TV's, in the line queue, set the TV's down to not being very bright at all, change the red lights in the wall to ghost that look back at you as you walk by.

    Flight of Fear: All lights fixed and restored to former glory, A new and longer pre-show, that is 720/1080p, one that makes you feel more panic/worry but nothing to extreme, some better quality actors as well, replace the music on-ride with music that is fitting and syncs up with the ride experience better, some lasers shooting over head on-ride, possibly some aliens that flash up real quick, when launching off, sound effects that sound like you are launching off.

    AE: All sounds and lights restored to former glory, a back story created for it as well, This is a little more of a odd thing but, maybe a lot more trees? Give it the feel that you are in some jungle ride, possible effects added with the trees (if it feels needed).

    The Bat: Fog effects in the station, bat screeches in station and or throughout ride.

    Race for Your Life Charlie Brown: Add some effects that are related to the Charlie Brown show/ mini movies, slow down the speed of the water flow to allow better viewing and use of said effects.

    New AT show: Theme the show around Banshee giving the back story and a ride of your life! Also note before you enter the line saying not recommend for people under (insert age here) age, but nothing to scary or dramatic.

    So lets give a rough estimate on how much this might all cost...

    BLSC: 1 million maybe less

    BBBH: 2-4 million

    FoF: 1-2 million

    AE: maybe 3 million? Don't know what the going rate for some, full grown, tress are...

    The Bat: Less than 500K

    RYLCB: around 500K

    New AT show: guessing maybe 4-6 million

    est max total: 17 million

    season long "proper" up keep, maybe another 2 million?

    So 19 million total???

    Please note: theses figures are a VERY rough estimate and could be and probably are completely off the right price point.

    Anything anyone else can think of please feel free to add on. Or even why some or all these things should never happen, also feel free to speak your piece why you feel that way.

    p.s. In case you haven't figured out, I love themeing! I also did try and keep things in the realm of possibility for a seasonal theme park as well.

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