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Posts posted by Sonofbeast2.0

  1. Was at the park yesterday (Sunday) and at 8:30pm fire was NOT working on BLSC. It did look like all lights were light up for where helicopter shoots, for all billboards cop cars and all sound effects were working for cop area. In other news Shake Rattle and Roll was raised up on a bunch of things that looks similar to wooden pallets, Their has been some dirt moved/dug up by The Beast, for the rumored Haunt attraction.

    Park was dead today, 7pm on. waited for a train to pull into the station for a night ride on The Beast (9:30pm), that was all the line their was! The train ran half empty, I was a couple people away from having a train to myself on AE and The Racer. Me and my family did have The Miami Valley Railroad all to are selves!

    • Like 1
  2. Some people might want a autograph from a celebrity but I want one from Mr.Ouimet! I feel their couldn't be a much better person to run CF! I feel Mr.Kinzel, was a analog clock, where as Mr.Ouimet is a Digital clock. He is trying his best with the budget he is allowed, with a seasonal chain theme park company, to make a much more memorable experience by giving notice to every little detail. My only request is he would put a foot down on current theming at all their parks, and make it more enforced to maintain themeing for each ride. Other than that, I love CF current direction!

    • Like 5
  3. Reminds me of another thread a member made on here. :)http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/28909-thank-you-kic/

    KIC is a safe website for any and all! Their is a great variety of members, threads and topics to choose from! Heck half the topics I have started are gaming related and never ounce have I had a issue with any member! Lets say their is a member that comes here and is just bashing everyone and everything or they are talking about "graphic" inappropriate things, you can bet your bottom dollar that member will be gone in a few short hours! The mods/admin also won't put you down if you disagree with them. Sure sometimes things get out of hand and it happens.. This site isn't perfect but the people that run it and 99% of the members try their hardest to keep this site safe and stable, my hat off to them! their is only a couple things you should know and everything should go great!

    1. If you have "leaked" info, for good reasons, don't be surprised if people don't believe you that well. Don't take offense to it, just it's hard to believe what's true and whats not anymore...

    2. Keep swearing to a minimal or better yet none. Lots of younger people on here and you might upset the wrong person. Same thing with YouTube videos (or any videos for that matter) or images, make sure it is "PG". Examples: You see a song you like but contains lots of swear words, get the radio edit version. Pictures of haunted houses and stuff is kind of okay, but nothing to extreme.

    3. It's okay to disagree/correct a member on here just don't, put them in the dog house... Bad example: Person A: "Son of Beast is the worlds longest wooden roller coaster". Person B: "OMG! Are you kidding me!? Everyone knows it is The Beast, for the worlds longest wooden coaster!" Better example: Person A: "Son of Beast is the worlds longest wooden roller coaster." Person B: Son of Beast was a long coaster but, The Beast has it beat by a couple hundred feet.

    4. Have fun! Start a topic if you can't find one, to fit what you are wanting to say/do, just make sure it's in the right category. You will learn each member on here act/thinks and posts different than the other. I for one, try to help (like this) when I can. :)

    P.S. I also have a tendency of spacing stuff out like this and adding P.S.'s and note(s). Which actually drives me insane! But when I don't do stuff this way, I drive myself even more insane so it's a catch 22 for me...

    • Like 7
  4. Related but unrelated note... Harry Potter and the Escape From Gringotts for opening day (July 8th), the ride alone got up to 7.5hr wait! Maybe even longer! But first if you wanted into Diagon Alley, you had to wait in a line all the way out past to Fear Factor Live!, back where their is usually a line for a HHN house/tent! Which was zig-zaged up and down! that's just insanity!

    Shows the long wait to get into DA and HPEFG. A different video I have watched showed HPEFG getting up to 450min (7.5hrs)!

    • Like 2
  5. Random mobs of people (most of the time teens) standing around threw out the park will sometimes get to me... Especially if blocking/obstructing a ride entrance or exit.

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  6. Glad you had a great day at KI minus not many fast food restaurants being open! Kind of surprised the park was that dead, since usually it picks up a little more around July. Just a question of wondering here, but, was your pizza warm/hot or cool/cold and was it good? Since it sounds like pizza might have been sitting in window for x amount minutes...

    Also allow me to give you a great big open armed welcome to KIC! Please get your sowing machine ready, as you will look and add your own opinion (color) to each and every thread! And even start your own like this one! :)

    • Like 3
  7. Oh Butter Beer (I prefer frozen myself), Pumpkin Juice and I would assume the new ice creams over in Diagion Alley, are amazing as well! In the Simpsons area I would highly recommend against a Flaming Moe, it has dry ice in the bottom of the cup which kind of cools your drink and then bubbles and looks cool, but it doesn't taste no different than any generic orange soft drink... And if I'm not mistaken it costs $7 for what might be a 12oz cup! Goose Juice tastes pretty good too (it is a sour green apple frozen drink)! Which can be gotten at the edge of the Dr.Seuss Land.

    Give me and "goodyellowkorn182" a minute and we might have something else to say. :)

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  8. goodyellowkorn182, everything you said, I couldn't agree with more!

    Transforms ride is also a blast and would highly recommend it as well, Horror Make-up Show is a must as well!

    As for food, in UOR park the best place to get a burger is Mel's Diner, which the burgers are amazing! Same for their chili cheese fries! IOA I would recommend eating at Comic Strip Cafe, which has a nice little variety of foods. (both places are fast food and Universal does offer a more of a sit down kind of restaurant as well, can't vouch for them since never been in them, we always get Meal Deal).

    I would say it really wouldn't hurt to get a 3 day two park ticket, since it might be extra busy still being summer and the new Diagion Alley being open.

    All and all, I hope you have a blast and please do a trip report when you return! :)

    Note: I would not recommend skipping any of the rides (except maybe kiddy rides...) at either park as well! They are all a blast and great fun in their own way!

    • Like 2
  9. Sorry for double post but I just thought of one which I might forget.

    Something that really drives me up a wall is people that complain about haunted houses being to scary! This is probably my biggest pet peeve out of everything.

    As long as they aren't like physically grabbing you/ hurting you, a haunted house is supposed to scare you! An exception would be if your at a place like Disney World...

    I've heard this being an issue at Universal Orlando, about a lot of people saying it's to scary and then UOR, toning it back. But if that's true ohhhh the words i'd say to them...

    • Like 5
  10. The use of Disney around the park has been interesting lately....To say the least....

    The Avengers come to Kings Island..... Frozen is shown at a "Dive-In Movie"........ The Little Mermaid is shown at a "Dive-In Movie"......

    Time to find the good ol Dip n Dots guy! He will confirm that Disney is acquiring CF and all it's FUN!

    Please note: the above information is highly unlikely of being true but in the event of said stuff being true, well, you heard it here first!

    More supporting info: Toy Story was also shown.

    • Like 2
  11. If you listen to news reports you would think every ride is deadly lol. There's another pet peeve, news stations blowing small issues at a theme park way out of proportion. ;)

    When BB was getting changed to Soak City, Channel 9 news (WCPO), they kept calling it the all new "Splash City". I wanted to reach threw my TV and be like, Soak City!

    I get annoyed when guests reference Final Destination 3 while in line for a coaster.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    When I go on a cruise, I like to talk about Titanic...

    Or even scarier since it was recent, The Costa Concordia

    Theirs that too and Poseidon (the movie)... I would be the weird one wanting to watch that and Titanic in my stateroom (only issue is i'm hardly ever in my stateroom cause the ship is like a Carnival :) )!

    • Like 1
  12. If you listen to news reports you would think every ride is deadly lol. There's another pet peeve, news stations blowing small issues at a theme park way out of proportion. ;)

    When BB was getting changed to Soak City, Channel 9 news (WCPO), they kept calling it the all new "Splash City". I wanted to reach threw my TV and be like, Soak City!

    I get annoyed when guests reference Final Destination 3 while in line for a coaster.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    When I go on a cruise, I like to talk about Titanic...

    • Like 7
  13. The Johnsonville Brat stands at CP are excellent, fast, and tasty and they offer Platinum Perks (BOGO) on them! :D

    Not anymore, most of the platinum pass meal deals disappeared this season, replaced with a simple 10% off.

    I'd say that's fair considering that you can get all you can eat or season long dining plans now. Which neither are a hateful price!

    • Like 1
  14. Rude guests,

    "Macho" teenagers,

    Line jumpers,

    Smokers in general (it's okay if they want to smoke but I think they should have like a smoke box at KI were only smokers can go and fill their lungs with a wonderful shade of black),

    People getting mad cause their child they kept telling over and over again can ride this ride, really can't, and when their child starts crying or gets mad, because they can't ride the ride, the parents/child get mad at the ride op...

    abnormally loud people,

    People that think it's a great time to start talking about sexual related stuff in line...

    • Like 8
  15. My guess is that they would try and have it open around 4th of July... I'd bet they are looking the ride over quite well to prevent future issues... Maybe just ordering all new things. Who knows, other than those who do. Those who do, won't tell till the time is right either.

  16. Do any rides seem to be the most frequent to break down?

    One ride that stands out to me is WindSeeker. Fine ride and all, just seems to be down the most. Other than that, I can't really think of any rides that are down often... I know Surf Dog was down a lot it seemed like in 2010. I don't think it was ever running a time I've been their, that year. As far as I know the ride seems to be up and running most days now.

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