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Everything posted by LongLiveTheSmurfRide

  1. Overall an OK article. Though it doesn't say much to most of us who have been to both parks and already compair them. I don't like the fact that he included that lady's comments in his article at all. Everyone knows how much more unique and popular KI's kids area is to CP's, so why even include some nut's opinion when you don't point out how many awards it's won? That's like going to Holiday World and finding the one person there who thinks Cedar Point has better wooden coasters and printing their opinion. Everyone knows that's nuts, so why print it? Ah well.
  2. I don't know that people will be still be calling it Paramount's Kings Island even after this year. I honestly don't know anyone from the general public who calls it Paramount's Kings Island already. I mean, they know it's owned by Paramount usually, but it's just so hard to say Paramount's Kings Island when you could just call it Kings Island, and everyone will know what you're talking about. Some of my friends who write me e-mails about going to the park will type PKI, because that's its abbreviation right now, but in public when just talking, they just call it Kings Island, and so do I. In the same respects, I don't know anyone who calls Six Flags parks by their full name. Whenever I'm in California, they just call it Magic Mountain out there. I bet whenever Six Flags sells their parks, if that happens, people will still just call them by their normal names, disregarding whatever new company owns them. I'm curious about Geauga Lake and how people refered to it when Six Flags bought it and then CF bought it. Since that was a huge name change, I wonder how quickly people adjusted to that.
  3. I don't think they've ever put "Cedar Fair" before the name of a park, and I don't think they'll start with Kings Island.
  4. It's track made by the coaster designing company Intamin. They're the ones who made Top Thrill Dragster and Millenium Force. So where did it go on 275? Was it going in the direction of KI, or better yet, are there sightings of it AT the park somewhere?
  5. I've been to both Cedar Point's Halloweekends and KI's Fearfests the last 3 years and I have to say that I have a great time at both. I don't think Cedar Fair skimps out on the scares and I don't think they're going to somehow take away all of Fearfest's fun either.
  6. I'm sure losing the extra car certainly factors into the extra length of the line as posted previously, not necessarily the popularity of the ride.
  7. It will be interesting if they drop the Paramount theming. They can make the Italian Job just some kind of car theme. But Tomb Raider will be pretty tricky. They'd have to axe the props from the movie, the whole pre-show movie and the recordings mentioning Lara Croft. But I think the pros outweigh the cons. I never thought PKI was really that great at doing theming and specifically keeping it up. They were always trying to be like a Universal calibur theme park, and they just didn't have the staff or resources to keep with that level of quality. Perhaps now that they'll just be Kings Island (that's so cool) maybe they will focus more spending on a great ride, and not put so much money into the theming.
  8. ^That was my first looper too. The year it came out I figured it's probably the smoothest looper out there so I should break my teeth on that, and if I do that one I'll be able to ride anything. Of course it was perfect and I wasn't afraid of anything from then on.
  9. I took my little 11 year old sister to PKI last year and Face-Off was her first lopping coaster. She almost cried when going up the hill and screamed the whole way around, but when she got off she was no longer afraid of loopers. Since then she's ridden everything there and I took her to CP and she's mastered all of them babies too. Nothing like your first looping experience.
  10. I thought this was a pretty funny and long-winded way to cover one's...um...assets... at the end of the article: This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, including, among others, statements regarding Great Wolf Resorts' future financial position, business strategy, projected levels of growth, projected costs and projected financing needs, are forward-looking statements. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Great Wolf Resorts, Inc. and members of its management team, as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based, and generally are identified by the use of words such as “may,†“will,†“seeks,†“anticipates,†“believes,†“estimates,†“expects,†“plans,†“intends,†“should†or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Many of these factors are beyond the company's ability to control or predict. Such factors include, but are not limited to, the company's ability to develop new resorts or further develop existing resorts on a timely or cost efficient basis, competition in its markets, the company's ability to manage growth, potential accidents or injuries at its resorts, its ability to achieve or sustain profitability, changes in family vacation patterns and consumer spending habits, downturns in its industry segment and extreme weather conditions, the company's ability to attract a significant number of guests from its target markets, increases in operating costs and other expense items and costs, uninsured losses or losses in excess of the company's insurance coverage, and the company's ability to protect its intellectual property and the value of its brands. Management believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable; however, undue reliance should not be placed on any forward-looking statements, which are based on current expectations. All written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to Great Wolf Resorts or persons acting on its behalf are qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. Further, forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and the company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results over time unless otherwise required by law.
  11. Well, apprently things changed because the news on PKI.com says that it's a joint-venture and that Paramount and Great Wolf are working together. I'm sure it won't have Paramount theming, though I'm not sure what that would be anyway, but it will have pki transportation and discounts.
  12. I think that's if you might be insane. Just kidding.
  13. In 10 years (if the ride's theming is lucky enough to last that long) people are going to be saying the same thing about TR:TR. "Why does anyone care about this old movie?" That's the problem with themed rides. Eventually the movie experience just gets old for people. That's why re-theming is a practical solution to give a ride new interest. Granted, Paramount doesn't have the best library of classics to choose from for theming, and one of their best products (Indiana Jones) they can't even market, so they have to go with movies like Tomb Raider, Drop Zone, and the Italian Job, which while they were commercial successes will not be movies people consider classic cinema. Top Gun at least is one of the premier air combat movies, so its appeal does last a while. But all movie theming fades and gets tired, no matter what property it is marketing.
  14. I don't think The Vortex is that bad, but I'm over 6', while my girlfriend hates it because it rattles her brain. The real fault I have with the coaster is that the seats themselves are just kind of uncomfortable for the amount of shaking the coaster produces. But that's to be expected with Arrow coasters. They get bumpier the older they get.
  15. That's not the way things go. The Racers and Beast are older than King Cobra, yet the Cobra is gone. Should they have taken out the other two first because they were older? I don't think so. They can take a coaster away wherever and whenever they want.
  16. My cell phone fell out of my pocket at some point when I was there 2 years ago. I used it at one point then 5 rides later I noticed it was gone. So I went to about 3 rides asking crew members if a cell had been found, then I had a moron-moment and remembered that I could just call my phone and see if anyone picked up. I did that from my friend's phone and a guy from the Flying Eagles staff answered. I was so relieved. Props to the Flying Eagles crew that year for looking out. My little brother also lost his hat when we were little on The Racer. It's stupid to tell the story now, but my mom got us both identical tie-dye hats that would be completely ridiculous to wear today (we were like 12 and 11,but what did we care about style?) So we got on The Racer, and I slip mine on backwards, but my bro's got his all forward, probably with the bill all angled out at the best possible position to catch as much wind as possible, and after the first hill WHOOP it was gone. He cried for a while and I gave him mine since they were the same. He still has that hat and looking back on it now, it's about the geekiest thing I've ever seen. Sorry to ramble, but my little brother (years later) lost another hat on The Racer (he's got issues). And he pointed it out to the crew and they said if he gave them his home address they'd mail it back. He did so, and we were like, "yeah right, they'll mail it back." Then about 9 months later when that hat is the last thing we'd ever think about, it shows up in the mail smashed in this envelop. It was the wrinkliest thing ever, but it was pretty cool that they actually kept their word on it. I think my brother still has that hat too. I'm done.
  17. Did you see Lucas himself? I read all about the convention on the SW site. I would have liked to meet Warwick Davis. The costumes for the costume contest looked incredible. Especially the Luke Skywalker action figure guy and the Han Solo with Taun-Taun (spelling?). I believe the 10' tall General Grevious won though. I can't wait for the next movie. Already got my midnight tickets.
  18. I think Player is still boo-hooing about having to wait a little longer than usual to get off The Vortex.
  19. How would PKI be the flag ship Six Flags park that competes with Cedar Point when Six Flags Magic Mountain already does that and is leaps and bounds past PKI with thrill rides? In fact, I believe up until recently they were beating Cedar Point in the coaster race. I'm not sure who's in the lead at the moment, but PKI would have ways to go to catch up. Either way, I bet the suits at the Flags would prefer to spend that money on their non-seasonal park. Besides, who would want to get a ton of Six Flags clone coasters anyway. Sure it'd be a B&M, but it'd be the same one every other Six Flags park has. And they don't do theming? They actually do dabble in the theme department, but it's so bad you might have overlooked it. I wonder if Batman the Ride, Superman The Escape, Riddler's Revenge, or Mr. Freeze are all themed to something? Hmm. I'd pass on the Six Flags idea. They're about as corporate as an amusement park can get.
  20. Well, yours is about why PKI is "great", while this is one is just thoughts about PKI. It's a little more broad and allows one to post more than just praises. Some people may have negative opinions to post about the park as well.
  21. Babies poo. I poo'd. I was 1. What would you do if you saw a huge googly-eyed brown dog bigger than your dad comin' at you walking on 2 legs and sporting human-like fingers ready to grab you?
  22. Face-Off is by no means a marquee coaster in the park. But I considered it one of PKI's best moves since Paramount took over. They added rides that year, and that's what gets people to the park. Doesn't matter how big, or fast, or long. Just adding a variety of rides is a good thing. When they brought out Face-Off and Drop Zone in the same year I thought that was brilliant. Face-Off, of course, was just a simple little ride, but you need things like that in a park. Everything can't be special.
  23. I have been going to Kings Island since before I can remember. My mom has a picture of me at 1 year old at KI. She said I poo'd when I first saw Scooby up close and personal. That was in 1980. Since then I've been going every year and loving it. I have to admit that once Paramount took over I've seen lots of changes that I like and some that I don't like. Not just the way the park is handled ride and policy-wise, but I felt the atmosphere changed from a park that kind of had a Coney Island independent feel, to a park that was the showpiece of a corporate chain. I still have lots of fun there, but I'm a harsh critic of the park as well. Especially since my first trip to Cedar Point in 1995. Since then I have had a park up to Kings Island's caliber that I could compare it to. I have no shame in saying that I like Cedar Point more than Kings Island. Kings Island is my home park and I always get season passes there, but Cedar Point is just more "my kind of park". I like themed rides alright, but I like the traditional amusement park feel more than the theme park feel. At least if I want to enjoy a park multiple times in a season, themes can get boring for me, but thrills do not. I just believe Cedar Point is catered more to my likes. I know when I have children I'll have more fun at PKI because I'll be able to utilize the kids area and have fun watching them have fun. But I'm a grown up, so the fact that PKI has the best kids area out of all parkdom doesn't really do anything for me at the moment. But I still love the park. I still get excited when driving up 741 and cresting the hills and getting a glimpse of the tower and SOB and Drop Zone on the drive. Or when just driving on I-75 by Trader's World and looking out East and trying to spot the Eiffel Tower still gets me hyped up and makes me wish I was over there at the park. Anyway, those are my thoughts on PKI. I'm kind of complex about the park. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I wish I could slap it around, but I'll always go back.
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