I found this old campground map while going through some old stuff. Thought I would share.
I have so many memories staying in the campground and made me kind of sad when i found this. I really miss camping there .
By the way the camp sites I have circled are all the spots i camped at. I did this as a kid
lol when I was young we only went once a year, but I would always circle the spot we camped at for memories later, every year when I would get a new map I would transfer all the places I have circled onto my new map. lol I stopped doing this when i was about 12.
<a href="
title="Kings Island Campground map by lopezjr68, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7157/6627175731_d5c2a60c90_z.jpg" width="640" height="498" alt="Kings Island Campground map"></a>