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'Air Glory' Bungee Death: At Christian Festival in Wisc.

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Very tragic story. I agree with teenageninja that it appears as though careful inspection of cables are not happening. This reminds me of an accident at PKI back in the 90's. When the ice show was still in the Festhaus, one of the skaters who "flew" in the space number fell to the ice from about 25' up when the cable snapped that was suspending her. She broke both legs. It was discovered that the cable was rusted from the inside. Closer and more frequent inspection would have caught the problem. The flying portion of the ice show was removed for the remainder of the season. The skater did recover from her injuries. PKI and Willy Bietak paid out an undisclosed amount in settlement. All were lucky that the injures from the accident were not more serious.

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  • 1 year later...

Family settles lawsuit in Lifest death of Menasha teen:


..."The case settled with a payment for the limit of the insurance company covering the Air Glory company."

Christensen declined to name the amount, but, according to court records, the policy had a limit of $1 million."The parents want to make it clear there wasn't any payment made by Life Promotions directly, it is strictly a settlement with the insurance company," he said...

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Christensen declined to name the amount, but, according to court records, the policy had a limit of $1 million."The parents want to make it clear there wasn't any payment made by Life Promotions directly, it is strictly a settlement with the insurance company," he said.../quote]

I'm wondering why the parents thought that was important to "make clear?"

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Christensen declined to name the amount, but, according to court records, the policy had a limit of $1 million."The parents want to make it clear there wasn't any payment made by Life Promotions directly, it is strictly a settlement with the insurance company," he said.../quote]

I'm wondering why the parents thought that was important to "make clear?"

My guess is they said that to avoid a "These horrible people sued a CHRISTAN FESTIVAL!" image they might obtain.

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