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Holiday World Woodies vs. Kings Island Woodies


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Well.. i have been to HW but only got to ride Legend and Raven cause i went back in 01 or 02. Even though i hear Voyage is the best wooden coaster, or second best right behind El Toro. I think KI's are better. SOB is my #1 woodie, Racer is filled with airtime, Beast is unique and is one of my top wooden coasters, and Beastie is good for a kids coaster.

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Holiday World's woodies are awesome. I would have to give the woodie trophy to them just because all three are home runs. I love The Beast and racer, Son of Beast is unique and fun but a little too rough. Raven, Legend and Voyage are three of the finest Woodies out there and are all one one fantastic little park. I do love both parks though. They are just two very different places.

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raven was stupid. i don't really like cci coasters, way underbanked, short, and boring. legend i thought had potential, but the lats on it were painful, plus the supposed double helix on it was almost childish. the voyage however was awesome! here is my rating... the voyage is the most thrilling wood coaster, Son of Beast the most epic, and beast the most fun. i think the voyage evens things out, so it's a tie.

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Wow. After the last post I feel like I'm from some other planet. But seems like I'm on one that's well populated

Raven is incredible. It's got speed, airtime, great turns. Only drawback is that it's too short. When people say it's too short that usually means they loved what they got and want more, which is totally the case.

That's when the Legend is; More! It's got more airtime and more incredible turns. Compared to the double helix on SOB, yeah, Legend isn't a rosebowl, but it's a lot better. And it beats you up with thrills, not bad design. It doesn't seem like there's a straight piece of track on that thing except for the station and lift. Riding it at night is like nothing I've ever been on. Pitch black and totally unpredictable.

Then the Voyage takes things to a new level. It starts off like a hyper coaster with a couple big hills, then goes into insane wooden coaster mode. It then seems to defy logic and get faster and faster nearing the end and that's without the need of a second lift.

Holiday World's woodies were built by coaster designers who knew what people loved about woodies and turned it up a notch. There is nothing like their collection.

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raven was stupid. i don't really like cci coasters, way underbanked, short, and boring. legend i thought had potential, but the lats on it were painful, plus the supposed double helix on it was almost childish. the voyage however was awesome! here is my rating... the voyage is the most thrilling wood coaster, Son of Beast the most epic, and beast the most fun. i think the voyage evens things out, so it's a tie.

Merciful heavens. Methinks too many rides on Son of Beast have addled your brain.

I'll be raven about Holiday World woodies long after Son of Beast is but a memory.

Still, I'd rather ride The Georgia Cyclone, Tremors at Silverwood, Cornball Express at Indiana Beach or even Rolling Thunder at Great Adventure (not to mention El Toro) than anything else wood in Ohio or Indiana.

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