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Diamondback POV


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has anybody else noticed the slight similairty of the Diamondback animated POV and the Mustang Pov, the rollercoaster they thought the DB was going to be way before they posted the information in August about the DB, not mustang.

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has anybody else noticed the slight similairty of the Diamondback animated POV and the Mustang Pov, the rollercoaster they thought the DB was going to be way before they posted the information in August about the DB, not mustang.

Are you referring to the NoLimits simulation that was posted on the internet? If so, then yes, they are very similar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The below is directly from the Ohio Revised Code (Ohio Law):

1711.551 Duties of riders.

(A) No rider shall fail to do any of the following:

(1) Heed all written warnings and directions that require a person to meet certain conditions or to refrain from certain actions regarding an amusement ride, as determined by rule by the director of agriculture;

(2) Refrain from behaving or acting in any manner that may cause injury or contribute to injuring himself or other people while occupying an amusement ride.

(B) The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt, and may amend and rescind, rules governing the types of warnings and directions required to be followed pursuant to this section. Rules adopted by the director determining the types of printed warnings and directions shall include specifications as to the character, size, and print size of such warnings and directions. At a minimum, the rules shall require the following:

(1) The warnings and directions prominently disclose the penalties imposed if a rider violates section 1711.551 of the Revised Code;

(2) The warnings and directions be based upon the standards of ASTM or the American national standards institute, or any other principles, tests, or standards of nationally recognized technical or scientific authorities that research the proper use of each amusement ride and the potential injuries that occur or are unique to each amusement ride if it is used improperly;

(3) The owner of the amusement ride display the warnings and directions in a public and conspicuous place on or near the ride.

Filming on ride videos falls under both one and two. Disobeying verbal and posted warnings and behaving in a way that may lead to an injury of himself or other riders. It is dangerous to do such activities, against park rules (your camera can be confiscated, and you can be ejected from the park) and it is also against the law. Violation of the above rule can result in the following punishment according to Ohio Law:

© Whoever violates section 1711.551 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor; on each subsequent offense such person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
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As a lawyer, I can tell you that the park probably takes such matters very seriously. If caught, you could be ejected from the park (your ticket is a license to enter, not a right) and the park could decide to prosecute you. While they might not want to go to that expense, they could certainly revoke your season pass if you have one and ban you from getting one in the future, not to mention banning you from visiing the park again. I liken it to professional sports teams--if you run onto the court, field, etc. exepct to be ejected and if you are a season ticket holder, you can probably kiss those goodbye as well.

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Wow now I do feel quite ignorant I would have never thought this to be possible so it is illegal to even take a photo while on a ride? I honestly in my 30 + years and many many parks many many times expected this they have only stated no flash photography as far as i jave known. As for concerts they even allow non professional cameras which this day is much harder to distinguish. As for video as a trip to any show nowadays will show thanks to the invention of the cell phone and digital camera a huge percent of attendees are filming away without a word otherwise from anyone.

Well thanks for the info. First I have heard of this...

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