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Flight Deck

Coney Islander

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Flight has been a Kings Island family favorite for 17 years and counting. Even though Kings Island's 5@5 has upheld the ride several times, Flight Deck has not received a decent paint job for over 6 years, even though it shows noticeable signs of rust. (Which is, in fact, getting worse by the year.)

Though they did say,

There are no plans to remove the ride, Nick. Flight Deck has given nearly 18 million rides since it opened in 1993, and it still has many more rides to give. You’ll be able to enjoy rides on this coaster for years to come.

How much longer do you believe Flight Deck will remain in operation?

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It certainly seems to heading towards the end of its lifetime and at least from a casual observer's (mine) viewpoint the park seems to have come to that conclusion too. I'd say it could be gone by as early as 2012.

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I don't think Flight Deck is going anywhere within the next five years or longer. What's the point? It really is a great ride even though it's short. It does need a paint job badly and hopefully the ride does gets a paint job over the next off season.

I don't understand why people say it's reaching the end of it's life. I have seen Flight Deck have longer waits then Diamondback quite a few times but yes Diamondback has better capacity then Flight Deck. Diamondback's hourly capacity is 1620. That I know of Diamondback has only came close to reaching that a couple times. I was actually there when they broke the record and it was ridiculous. They literally push you in and out of the station. Flight Deck has a hourly capacity of 1200. They could not be that much different unless Diamondback was having a power hour. 

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^^I certainly am not implying that anyone has lied during the 5@5 and certainly they have proved to be very open with a lot of the answers. That being said I think when it comes to ride removals or new attractions, IF we were to get any answers that were a little less then the complete truth it would be in regards to these two topics.

^My opinion of FD coming to the end of its life has more to do with my percecption of the park's attitude towards the ride then it's popularity. BBW was still a fairly popular ride when it was removed. FD looks like its ready to be removed IMO. The general public may not notice that Vortex needs a repaint for example, but the entire length of the line for FD you walk by a ride that is visibly rusting. It just looks like the park is ready to let it live out the 2-3 years it has left until a major overhaul is needed and then they will decide to remove it. I love FD so I really do hope that it does have "many years to come."

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^^i think the reason that people are saying that flight deck is reaching the end of it's life, isn't because they believe that it's unpopular, but the fact that the few remaining suspended swinging coasters are slowly, but surely, being weeded out of amusement parks around the world.

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Not to mention that parts are harder and more expensive to come by with Arrow being defunct. They are a dying breed, and unfortunately for FD and Iron Dragon at CP, their days are numbered. That said, we are talking maybe 5 years or so...but the removal of BBW was shocking to many. It just got too expensive to keep up, and that was easily the best suspended left in the United States.

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5@5 hasn't lied about anything else so far, so I don't see why you think they would be fibbing about this... :blink:

I think they told the whole truth and nothing but the truth... I'm just wondering how much the park management knows about the corporation's intentions.

Don't quote me here, but I'm under the impression the current park management has asked to paint Flight Deck, and Cedar Fair has rejected...

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Not to mention that those who make decisions today may not be the ones who make decisions six weeks from now, much less six months from now...or that a decision made today can be reversed for any of hundreds of reasons tomorrow or six months from now, and so on...

Fibbing? No. Not knowing? Possibly. Things changing? Certainly. Nothing is for certain but uncertainty.

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I look at it this way.

Flight Deck, though a great ride, is probably on it's way to removal. I asked a question about it when 5@5 started and was told, "It's not it's turn in our rotation." Being that Vortex has recieved a couple paint jobs since FD was last painted, that kinda says to me, "Eh...we're not too worried about it." Now, having previously said that it was a great ride...imagine what B&M could do with that area.

I know it's been mentioned several times, but at the time my only B&M invert was Raptor. I recently had the opportunity to experience Alpengeist and let me tell you...well, I probably don't even need to. That ride sits in an are not unlike the little valley that Flight Deck sits in. There's so much potential there for something great...(er).

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In all fairness, the ride is located in the middle of no where. It's hardly a "striking" visual draw the way Vortex is. The ride being gray instead of red isn't a huge deal. It would look great if it were returned to its original colors, but when it comes for paint, Flight Deck is only a little more visible to the public than Flight of Fear... It's certainly not a priority in the paint department. Not only that, but it's got to be difficult to paint due to its location.

Of course, at this point, the lack of paint is causing the ride to rust, which is structurally questionable...

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Honestly, I may be alone in this, but I find Flight Deck to be a surprisingly intense and exceptional coaster. I'll take a front seat ride in Flight Deck over anything in the park with the exception of Diamondback and a park-closing night ride on The Beast.

Perhaps I've been spoiled by FD's relentless nature, but I found it to be superior to BBW (which had such a wonderful setting and drop over the river, but suffered greatly from a bad case of poor-pacing), and I found it much more enjoyable than Alpengeist. As enjoyable as B&M inverts are, and as much as Kings Island could benefit from one, Flight Deck is a truly great coaster, and I'd hate to see the park lose this rare treasure.

Still, with Arrow Suspended coasters becoming fewer and fewer, I fear Flight Deck may be in the danger zone, and too soon, I may no longer be able to indulge in those front seat night rides that take my breath away.

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Why have I never thought to ride it at night? This is brilliant! :lol: As far as I can remember, of all my park visits, I've only spent any time in AZ at night once, my dad and i rode DT as the fireworks were going off, which provides a very interesting angle. I hope I make it back again this summer to try this out.

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Honestly, I may be alone in this, but I find Flight Deck to be a surprisingly intense and exceptional coaster. I'll take a front seat ride in Flight Deck over anything in the park with the exception of Diamondback and a park-closing night ride on The Beast.

Perhaps I've been spoiled by FD's relentless nature, but I found it to be superior to BBW (which had such a wonderful setting and drop over the river, but suffered greatly from a bad case of poor-pacing), and I found it much more enjoyable than Alpengeist. As enjoyable as B&M inverts are, and as much as Kings Island could benefit from one, Flight Deck is a truly great coaster, and I'd hate to see the park lose this rare treasure.

Still, with Arrow Suspended coasters becoming fewer and fewer, I fear Flight Deck may be in the danger zone, and too soon, I may no longer be able to indulge in those front seat night rides that take my breath away.

Were the phrases "danger zone" and "take my breath away" used intentionally in reference to Top Gun or was it just a coincidence?

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. They need to make it floorless, as well as new paint. It would bring new life to the ride.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. They need to make it floorless, as well as new paint. It would bring new life to the ride.

As well as rename it Afterburn. It would be a new ride, at least to the GP.

Or you could name it Son of a Gun! Just kidding

I hope it does not go away. I love that ride (especially at night)

I totally agree with you. I love night rides on Flight Deck plus after 8ish the ride is like dead you can ride it over and over and never get up.

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the first drop would be even more amazing with those trains, well unless there's another service truck setting down there... :o

Dig a bigger trench! But I'm sure there would be a height requirement.

I love it as well. It may be short, it may not look very good, it may be old - but it's fun! Fast and actually a very good first drop. I do agree though, they should make it floorless. That would be so cool!

It would be cool but not the price. Trains are definitely not cheap. If they do add floorless trains they might have to modify the station so it could be like Invertigo which is also not cheap.

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the first drop would be even more amazing with those trains, well unless there's another service truck setting down there... :o

Dig a bigger trench! But I'm sure there would be a height requirement.

there is a height requirement, it meets it now, so, unless for whatever reason the floorless trains set lower beneath the track, it would still be fine.

i was just referring to the accident that happened when there was a service truck setting at the bottom of the first drop.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. They need to make it floorless, as well as new paint. It would bring new life to the ride.

Like this?


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. They need to make it floorless, as well as new paint. It would bring new life to the ride.

As well as rename it Afterburn. It would be a new ride, at least to the GP.

Or you could name it Son of a Gun! Just kidding

I hope it does not go away. I love that ride (especially at night)

I totally agree with you. I love night rides on Flight Deck plus after 8ish the ride is like dead you can ride it over and over and never get up.

those would be awesome!

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I would really enjoy it if they gave Flight Deck some much needed attention and appreciation. I've noticed it doesn't look so great when walking down that long path to get to it. And SOB being beside it makes it look more lonely somehow. But I absolutely love that ride. It is one of the few that my mother will even ride. ( mother's day pun ) And I enjoy that about it! I ride it every time I go to the park. And I will continue to do so, so long as it is available to ride. In a final note: GREAT FAMILY RIDE!

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@ Tchu and others...

I completely agree with you. While I did prefer BBW over FD (only b/c of ride length), the ride is always a must (multiple times) for me and my wife when we visit KI. If it can be saved and/or updated, I'm all for it!

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I would really enjoy it if they gave Flight Deck some much needed attention and appreciation. I've noticed it doesn't look so great when walking down that long path to get to it. And SOB being beside it makes it look more lonely somehow. But I absolutely love that ride. It is one of the few that my mother will even ride. ( mother's day pun ) And I enjoy that about it! I ride it every time I go to the park. And I will continue to do so, so long as it is available to ride. In a final note: GREAT FAMILY RIDE!

peraonally it needs to be painted if it does it would imo make sob a eyesore lol
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