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Holiwood Nights 2010 and Beech Bend PTR


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Part 1- Friday June 4th, 2010

I still had exams the Friday of Holiwood Nights so my mom picked me up from school at 2:25 and we swung by the house to get Dad (DaveStroem,) Katy and the rental car. We officially left for HWN around three o' clock. After the 5 hour drive we got there at 6:45 and met up with Adam (pkiboy,) Angie (gigacoaster2k,) Jared(Rotag,) Nick (dropzone99,) Mitchel and others. We got our registration information and headed into the park. We didn't bring the camera in for Friday so we don't have any pictures for this part.sad.gif

Once the info session was over all of the KICers speedily walked/ ran to The Voyage and were thefirst people in the station. After getting some laps on Voyage and Legend we went to Raven and found Jackson, TrooperMom, Kat and Nick at Raven. Jackson got his first Holiday World coaster ride and then our group headed to Kringle's Kafe for pizza, chips, veggies and FUDGEwhile Jackson's group went to Legend and Voyage. If you are going to HolidayWorld try their loaded, baked, potato salad pizza it sounds gross but it is really unique and quite tasty.

Jared, Daddy and I headed to The Voyage when we were done eating. My dad and I got a front seat,ravage night ride that was absolutely incredidble and left us in complete shock! Opening weekend we rode the blue train 37 times and this one ride was OMG different, it was like it was a completely different coaster!

After getting some KIC shots with the Timberliners we went back to Legend and Raven and found Rachel (stalkerchick) and Jack who got there about 20 minutes till the end of ERT. They were able to get to ride all three woodies in the twenty minutes, partly due to the awesome ride op on Voyage who managed to get them on second to last train of the night.

On our way back to the twelve person cottage we were sharing with Keith (KIfan 1980) Nick, Mitchel, Rachel, Jack, Jared, Matt, Adam and Shawn, we got lost in the Lincoln State Park woods trying to find our cabin. Adam, Mitchel Nick and I decided to sleep in the sitting area because we were afraid of the bugs.

Part 2- Saturday June 5th, 2010

We were soon herded to the waterpark for ERT and breakfast. We had a delicious breakfast of fresh fruit, muffins and juice. Then I headed to Wildabeest with Adam, Nick, Mitcheland Ryan while the rest continued eating.


Wildabeest was my first watercoaster ride so I don't know how to compare it but it was packed with air and was really long.

Wildabeest= 9/10

At the waterpark Irode

  • lazy river x2
  • Bakuli x1
  • Zinga x1
  • Bahari Wave Pool x2
  • Jungle Racer( where we got a KIC group slide photo )


We left the water park at 11:30 and headed to the Alamo for lunch, where we met up with Nick, Mitchell, and Ryan. My mom and I had taco salads, Dad got a chicken enchilada and Katy got nachos. Nick, Mitchell and Ryan left to do something else. Soon, Jackson, Trooper Mom and Adam came and we went to Liberty Launch and Holidog's Funtown, while Katy and Mom went to put the swim stuff in the car. After riding Howler we went to the Legend and Raven walkback.


The KIC bunch walking toward the Legend.


Legend's first drop.


Legend's Son of Beast like lift hill.


Raven's swoops across Lake Rudolph.


I spy Raven.


Raven's mansion style station. At this point mostly everyone in our group was done with the walkback except my Dad. Nick rode Reindeer games and then we ran to catch up with the rest of the group and rode Raven. I think next we went to the Voyage walkback but I'm not totally sure. My dad got some really good pictures of Voyage.


The transition leading back to the station.


The second hill.


The first and second hill, with the blue train.


As you can see it was quite cloudy.


Almost everyone has there hands up on this Ravage train.


Nice picture of Rachel and Jack.


90 Degrees!


The triple down tunnel.


KIC group photo


Rachel and Jack riding Voyage. ( they're in the back)


Daddy and Tanya riding up front.


Jared and I riding Ravage in the back.


Hallowswings all lit up. I really like this picture.

At this point we lost my dad. We're still not sure where he went. The rest of the group went to ride Gobbler's Getaway. Then Jack and I rode Turkey Whirl, then I rode again with Katy. I love Tilt-a-whirls and this one was pretty good. I think we found my Dad and then headed to the Blue Ice Cream Shop. A waffle cone would cost about $5 at most other parks but here just $2.50! I had a blue raspberry waffle cone, Katy a chocolate and my dad blue. Adam and Nick started taking random pictures of us eating ice cream and being goofy. Jackson and Trooper Mom came and they wanted to ride the tiques so we rode the Lewis and Clark Trail, which was really fun. After, we went to the gift shop to look at t-shirts but Katy and daddy went to ride Paul Revere's Midnight Ride but they didn't. His phone had died so they got lost and I went with Adam, Nick, Mitchell, Ryan, Jackson and Trooper Mom to ride Eagle's but only Jackson and his mom rode while we went to Holidog's Funtown. Nick, Ryan and I ran around the playground and the slides and soon my mom found us. I accidentally hit my forehead on a bar running through the course.When we were heading to Legend to meet up with others Nick took Honey Mustard sauces from the hot dog stand and drank them.tongue.gif

We went to the buffet dinner next and had mac and cheese, BBQ, fried chicken, fruit, hamburgers and cookies. Did anyone else try the strawberry butter? I thought it was cream cheese so I ate a big spoonful and found out it was butter.

My Dad was tired so I went with Adam, Nick, Mitchell, Ryan and Jackson for ERT. Jackson and I sprinted to Raven and were the first people in the station for ERT and we got a front row seat. We were able to ride two more times as single riders, and then ran to Legend.

Legend at night was really spectacular and we got six rides before deciding to go to Voyage where everyone else was. He and I then speed walked/ ran to Voyage. We noticed that the gift shop of Voyage is covered in silly bands and hair tieslaugh.gif. Hoping to get a Ravage train we got in the front row where we met CoasterFreak45. We ended up getting our front row nighttime ravage ride which was just as spectacularly, amazingly, incredible as the night before.

Jackson and Trooper Mom left around 10:30 and the rest of us decided to get a few more rides before leaving. So my dad and I rode Voyage once more and then the group went to Legend for one ride and then Raven. I got two in a row then ran to the entrance so I would have fifteen coaster rides for ERT on Saturday. Adam, Keith, Shawn and Matt headed back to Cincinnati and the rest of us went to the cabin.

Here is how I rate the coasters at Holiday World.

Raven- This is an awesome coaster and probably my number two at Holiday World. At night this coaster becomes even better. I like this the best on the left and in the back.

Legend- I love this ride. It has a lot of laterals and air. My favorite seat is on the right.

Voyage- Great ride but can be rough. Best on the left.

Ravage- I like Ravage better than Voyage because it seems smoother. Either way both are amazing rides.

Ravage/ Voyage at night 20 times better! Since you are in the dark you don't know which way you're going and it is insane.

Holiday World is an amazing park with tons of nice employees, great prices and awesome rides. The Koch family and everyone who works for the park does a tremendous job. It is very sad that Will Koch passed away and my condolences and prayers go to the family.

Beech Bend will come tomorrow.

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Cool Trip Report - nice to see you joining the discussion on the forums and you've got a much more unique user name than your Dad!

As for your Dad getting lost ... I seem to recall that you've also shown a tendency to walk away from the group also. Thank goodness for your Mom keeping track of everyone - she even came looking for me after I got separated from the group once!

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Part 3- Holiday World, Beech Bend, Kings Island

We woke up at seven and started packing. Everyone was still asleep besides Jared and us.


Nick and Mitchel crashed hard.


Here's our cabin.

We left around 8:50 and got to Holiday World at nine. Dad and I went and rode Voyage while Katy and Mom rode Howler, since she hadn't ridden it yet.


Mom and Katy going to Holidog's Funtown.

As Daddy and I were going toward the front of the park, we noticed that Raven had a line going back to the fence. The park was extremely busy. I assume it was because everyone down there knew about the coaster event and stayed away Friday and Saturday and then swarmed the park Sunday.

When we were leaving we stopped to give Pat a big hug and talked to her as she greeted guests. She is one of the nicest people I have ever encountered. We met back up at the car where my mom opened up a Coke and it sprayed all over her face.

We drove the two hour drive to Bowling Green, Kentucky and soon entered Beech Bend.


The entrance to Beech Bend.


When you enter Beech Bend the first ride you come across is The Tornado, this is like Howler at Hersheypark.


Mom, Dad and I rode Michael Jackson's Neverland Sea Dragon.


We went and rode Kentucky Rumbler. Mom had decided even before looking at it she would ride it, she did like the ride. This is a good GCI but not the best.

All four of us were getting hungry so Mom, Dad and I had chef salads that had meat, cheese and veggies on them from The Rumbler Cafe. Katy had a sandwich that she complained about a ton.


Katy and I rode the Tea Cups.


Daddy and I rode Power Surge. This one is much better/ more spinny than Knoebels' Power Surge.


Beech Bend is centered around a pond, and there were tons of baby duck families. I love ducks, so I got lots of pictures and named them.


We all rode The Dragon a very rough kiddie coaster. The ferris wheel in the background is condemned.


Next was the not so scary Haunted House. The lights didn't shine on the objects long enough to tell what they were so it wasn't scary.


This guy in an electric chair was scary. He's missing fingers!huh.gif


Next we rode the Tiques.



Scat2 was a great ride. It's like Tempest at Coney but you're standing up and it is more intense.


Moby Dick was fun but the material on the seats hurt.



Beech Bends mouse has got to be one of the prettiest mouse rides I have ever seen. The paint was fresh and very colorful.


Mom, Katy and I in front of the signs.


We stopped and watched this show for a moment, it was pretty good.


When they sang the song, "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"the girl wore an apron with an image of a yellow polka dot bikini on it. Very clever!


My dad went to get a drink and Katy, Mom and I rode Dizzy Dragons.


Daddy and I rode Starship 4000 next. The ride op sits in the center (he's spinning too, I would love that job,) the riders stand against boards in a circle, there are no restraints, then the ride starts to spin. Soon the boards lift up, the ride op tells you to bend your knees so your feet are against the board and then the boards literally crash to the floor. This ride is a prototype and was manufactured by Wisdom Industries and is a liability waiting to happen. If you don't bend your knees your ankles could literally break, that's how hard the crash is.

Dad went and rode Rumbler ten times.


While he did that we went through this course.


Katy and I rode the Sizzler.


I rode the Flying Bobs, where they were playing....... Dragster Music aka I'm ready to go by Republica!

Katy and I decided to play some games. I first played a 25 cent shooting game and hit one target. Then we played a game where you pick a rubber duck and the marked number determines what prize you win. I won a big duck and Katy won a little duck. The people playing a basketball game next to us were trying to win the large prize so they had a lot of games they didn't want and gave each of us a spiky rubber ball.



Next the three of us rode the Grand Carousel.


Katy riding a bunny.


My duck and I riding the carousel.tongue.gif


On our way back to meet my dad at Rumbler we saw more ducks!

We rode a couple more laps of Rumbler before leaving at five. On our way out we talked to the owner.

We got up to Millennium Force speed as we drove the 4.75 hours to Kings Island stopping for Wendy's on the way. Yes, our day wasn't done yet. We pulled into the parking lot exactly at 9:47 and ran to Diamondback getting a second to last train of the night.

We safely got home at 11:15 after having a great day.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!smile.gif

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at the nascar speed park in sevierville, tn, they have one of the starship 4000's, me and the group i was with rode it four times in a row, lets just say, it's very difficult to drive a go-cart after you're that dizzy. :P

and you're right about that crashing to the floor, not a fun experience.

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