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I Blacked out on Millennium Force

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Last week at Cedar Point, I rode the Millennium Force a good 6 times. One of the times, at the bottom of the hill, I blacked/grayed out. It seemed like I got tunnel vision, with the edges of my vision being extremely blurred and fuzzy. I hear Millennium Force pulls 4.5 g's at the bottom of the hill. I was fine on Dragster and all the other rides. Has this happened to anyone else on the Force? I hear I305 is the king of blackouts, and it is somewhat similar to Millennium Force.

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Last week at Cedar Point, I rode the Millennium Force a good 6 times. One of the times, at the bottom of the hill, I blacked/grayed out. It seemed like I got tunnel vision, with the edges of my vision being extremely blurred and fuzzy. I hear Millennium Force pulls 4.5 g's at the bottom of the hill. I was fine on Dragster and all the other rides. Has this happened to anyone else on the Force? I hear I305 is the king of blackouts, and it is somewhat similar to Millennium Force.

I've rode I305 many times and never experienced those conditions. Everyone has different experiences, Delirium gives me motion sickness no matter how much Dramamine I take. That's the only ride at KI that does that to me though.

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I used to have no issues with Millennium Force, but lately (as in the past two years) Millie grays me out from about halfway through the first overbank to the top of the following hill. All visits in that time, though, have been on blazing hot days where I probably haven't had enough water as I ought to drink. That's usually the primary deciding factor in whether or not I gray out.

The two times I've ridden I305 were when the ride had trims on the first drop, and both times I grayed out on the first turn. Again, it was on a blazing hot day, but the first time I had drank plenty of water. The second time... not so much. It got so bad that I was getting dizzy and literally couldn't see anything until the first hill's airtime sent all the blood back to my head. (And I still loved that ride, approximately 2.5 liters of water later. I'm still having trouble deciding if it beats The Voyage for my #1 overall!)

Moral of the story: drink your water, kids.

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I've blacked out on Titan at Six Flags Over Texas before. That helix area after the mid course brake run really pulls some g's. At first I thought that I blacked out from being dehydrated on the 100 degree Texas day, but after reading about the high positive g forces I realized it was a common thing.

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I never grey out on Millie except when other factors are involved, heat and alcohol are what usually does it. I've ridden i305 20plus times and get tunnel vision or blackout everytime. I welcome it and enjoy it as part of the ride, always coming to during euphoric airtime on that 2nd hill.

Titan's helix after the mcbr greyed me out and so did my 1st launch on TTD but I'm convinced the latter was sensory overload not G forces. Sometimes Raptor's final helix gets me if I'm back row.

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Last week at Cedar Point, I rode the Millennium Force a good 6 times.

I rode the Millennium Force

the Millennium Force


Just before anyone yells at you for typing the name wrong. :P

Anyway, I've never blacked out on a ride before, however I think I have grayed out on BLSC.

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