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Kennywood tips

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The must-rides at Kennywood? Every single ride whose name isn't "Garfield's Nightmare".

And I'm serious about that. If it were still the Old Mill, my recommendation would be completely different...

But if pressed for time, at least hit all the coasters. Skip Sky Rocket if you must (though you'd be missing my personal favorite launched coaster, and yes, I've ridden Maverick). Kangaroo is a must due to its historical significance and rarity. Same with Noah's Ark. Even the Turtle is a rarity (though there is another ride like it within the same state). I could keep going and going like an Energizer battery when you get me talking about Kennywood. If AT ALL possible, do yourself a favor and try to find a way to spend a whole day there. It's my favorite theme park in the world, and considering that my home park has The Beast, Banshee, and Vortex, it is no small thing that I'm ranking Kennywood higher.

-Homestar92, surprised by Terpy's lack of recommendation of the Turtle.

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Yeah Phantoms Revenge is definitely at the top of my list. It fits in just before Banshee and just after Apollo's Chariot. The Wood Coasters were all amazing and Exterminator was very unique. The only other thing I managed to go through was Noah's Ark. It was definitely interesting. I didn't make it to Turtle or The Kangaroo before closing. I'll definitely be trying to return soon. It was great!

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