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Cedar Point 01-03AUG14 Trip Report


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So, not many pics and all this time around I had more important things on my agenda. But great long trip to the Point..one day and a few extra hours here and there, sweet deal.


So left and hit the road taking the correct route anyone in the Dayton area should take :). Got to the park at about 2230 exactly, one and a half hours to spare. The park at this hour was surprisingly very dead, I mean, it seemed like a mid week day in May. We went to Maggie which was down weather temporarily. We decided to go hit up Corkscrew which was still running one train in light rain. This was one of the major highlights in my trip. The current crew actually is busting ass now, and working so cohesively, it's beautiful. Then ontop of it after sticking around talking about Corkscrew and whatnot, I asked if I could pop the pedals on their empty train after it parked. They fully obliged and I got to pop a full train of pedals and blew the crew away, as I still moved faster than they did...Still got it in me years later. I miss doing the Arrow dance, and it's amazing to see that perfect muscle memory still kick in. Next up, Wicked Twister towards the back, fun ride, got on once and got a reride with empty station. Once off of that fantastic little Impulse coaster we headed to Gatekeeper. Neat little back of the train ride on left side. It rode pretty good, the first inversion is still one of the best starts to a coaster IMO, the rest of the ride is ok, but the start is a fantastic one. Went back afterwards to check out Maggie, which was running again. Ended up getting three beautiful trimless night time rides on it, and got Jonathan to realize how amazing the ejector seat was. But beautiful rides, even got an overspeed which is always ALWAYS a fantastic ride. At that point we decided to get into line for Dragster for a last ride and go for dead weight, we got one ride in, and dead weight was called but we weren't needed, ah well, still got one ride as a walk on. Left the park and headed back up to Port Clinton for the night.


Woke up and headed to the point after sleeping like a baby. Headed to the point and parked in Gemini Lot and waited at the resort gate. Got into the park and headed for John McCain. Got flipped on my back a few times, was a great ride in the back row, which is the best seat :D. Got off of there, hit the trail and took a look at Millie. The line was a bit long unfortunately by that point and wasn't sure if they suffered yet from two train op that plagued the rest of the day. We decided to leave the line and come back to it on Sunday's ERT or come back later. We left there and headed around the park to get the Eagles in at the end of the ERT. Almost made it there by ERT's end, but the day started. Stood at attention and saluted again with plenty of passerbys..a few noticed and stopped, thankfully. Still boils my blood like no other. Got in line for Eagles and got a good ride in on them, we both got a few small snaps thanks to a nice gust of wind from the approaching storm. Right after getting out of there we headed to Gemini and got our special when lit ride on it. However it did start raining at the lift hill crest. That sucked getting a Mike Tyson tattoo first thing in the morning.

At this point realizing the storm wasn't going anywhere we decided to go get lunch at Chickies & Petes. Good sandwich, fries and a beer. The place was packed considering the storm and everyone rushing for shelter/lunch but we were served in reasonable time and no issues with service unlike other people I've known. It's a good addition to the park, not the best food offered, but not the worst either. After the rain died down we tried to scout open rides. We ended up going on Power Tower's Space Shot, quick fun ride and never disappoints. Left there and headed back to Skyhawk which is running again already. The ride is running in Def Leppard mode right now, the sweep that had the cable incident is still not completely fixed or running. The crew was probably the best crew at the park this visit. Even with what happened and a cut in half capacity they busted ass like no other to get people off and on to keep the ride running as much as they safely can. Excellent work for a very stellar ride.

Still not much up and running yet, we walked around and observed some things and went into some shops. We eventually made our way to the front of the park for Jon's Corn Dog request (hand dipped, always great) and went outside the front gate to watch Gatekeeper and eat. I headed back in to grab Pinks. Scotty dog, BBQ, Onion Rings, fat dog..good day.


While in line for Raptor to digest food we saw a tweetup was iminent. We left the ride and waited for a location. As soon as the tweet dropped I thought it was Corkscrew, when I saw some enthusiasts running the other way towards Millie, and decided to follow them, which proved both of us wrong (should have went with my gut feeling). We ended up high tailing it back to Power Tower (I don't believe it had the longest line, it had all legs running and a two hour wait, Corkscrew one train op is three hour full queue) and won the tweetup. We were hoping for the FL+ that was mentioned but got there too late, but did score two of the 2014 coins, which is more than acceptable.

After relaxing after quite a bit of cardio (which we calculated to sprinting a half mile, no wonder my legs were shot). From there we hit up Cedar Downs, always fun, Blue Streak in the last car ending with a great sound of whirring upstops, and the unique Kiddy Kingdom Carousel full of all sorts of unique animals.



From there the train was next as it's only running one engine and closes early. One full trip around to observe Boneville and observe the R..er Mantis repaint that has had no new updates since the inital report. After getting off of the train we headed through the Trail and looked at a few stores at some new things, especially the Tavern in the back of the park serving better quality beers & wines. I even got Jon to try an ale that he ended up enjoying, success! I tried the Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, which was pretty tasty and a great bouquet of hops. He didn't enjoy it as much, but no issues there. We sat down watched the ladies stick glass into Mordor making neat little souvenirs.

Once done there we did the most dreadful thing ever..ride Mean Streak. The ride isn't that bad, but it is bad. The beginning doesn't shuffle as much, which is a huge improvement the park has maintained, but the trim brake kills the ride. Major shuffling post MCBR to the point of pain..oh and bugs during the nighttime do bite as well, quite stingy. Not a terrible ride, but not enjoyable. However it is pulling a 30 minute line, so it has riders and can't justify tearing something down that is filling trains unlike an indoor coaster we once knew. If the ride just gets much needed TLC and IMO, keep it a traditional woodie, just take the track off, reprofile it into something that works, is enjoyable and doesn't rip itself apart. It's a great looking ride, probably my favorite night time picture, and has a unique and fun twister layout, just it doesn't work in it's current state for me. Look at the exceptional coaster in the front of the park. It's TLC made it run better than it has in YEARS. The same can me done for the big old Dinn in the back.

Once out of there, one quick Corkscrew ride to enjoy the very back car and it's hidden bunny hop surprise of airtime and thrills and of we went to Luminosity. As I've said elsewhere, the show is FANTASTIC. To those who say, oh the park doesn't fit the demographic of the show...Well possibly, however I disagree a bit. The demographic attending the CP show goes even as far as families as well, there's something for everyone. What I wish ti see however is the live music at KI. I'm sorry but poorly done karaoke tracks with distorted and drowned out lackluster vocals need to leave KI. CP hires all in house talent for Luminosity and it shows. The black male and female in the show can SING. The woman singing Katy Perry's roar..Just..blew me away, Bring her or someone like her to KI, give us all live e music, some smoke, lights, and exceptional music. Why can't the park do this? Seriously, watch this..it's the current program for Luminosity..beautiful show.

Ending the park with the same music for the same fireworks everyday is starting to get old, I don't even watch the fireworks anymore. Then ontop of it, after it's over, the announcement and atmosphere is pretty much, ok day is over, get out, go home, bye. When Luminosity goes at the end of the day in the park, the party continues even after operations have suspended which is fantastic! Good music, great performers, great instruments, amazing set and show. Then to finish with a freaking awesome DJ rave style party. What I would do to have it replicated here or at least bring something that exciting, fresh, and enjoyable to a closer park.

After that we hit up the Eagles for probably the best ride of the night. Subsequent snaps, and one "chain reaction" snap. I've never seen this happen in my life ever. It took a bit to get them sideways but as soon as Jon got his sideways and his first hard good snap, it kept losing tension and snapping repeatedly, it did it four times in a row, and one jolt made mine snap at the same time as soon as mine was loose. Quite an impressive and fun ride, it's confirmed that you can snap this set of Larsons. We both agreed that if we never get KI's set back, let Carowinds keep ours as they are running successfully there, and give us a new set like this, they run great! Also at the end of the fireworks ride, we noticed that CP's fireworks show used the same music and setup for fireworks as KI..Weird to hear that here at CP, and was somewhat..meh..Originality people, stop making cookie cutter stuff!

Afterwards it was off to Troika for one ride as we no longer have Shake Rattle & Roll for some time and it's TBD status. I doubt seeing it up and running the rest of the season, but to arrive next season ready to go. So if you feel the urge for a ride, go up north. Once out of there, it was time to grab Cheese on a Stick and head home for the night.


No rides, just purchased Cheese on a Stick and gauged a few rides we missed like Raptor and Millie. The lines for Sunday were much larger that morning and after being sore and tired we figured it was best to head home....

We did however, do one last thing.

The legend lives on...




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Glad you had a nice time. Did you notice that they changed the Palace Theatre back to its original name Lusty Lil's? When I was up there saw an absolutely outstanding wild west show there, Lusty Lil's Review. The piano player was spectacular.

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I didn't go to the show but did notice the change that Lil is back. We only watched All Wheels and Lumi, didn't get much time to do other shows that we wanted with constraints/loligagging. I will be back in two weeks or less to check out that and other things.

Oh..and I'm sorry..but this is the logo for Snoopy Unleashed @ Knotts..which is also @ CP..Is it just me..or...do you notice something else in this picture..


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Glad you guys had a successful trip to CP, even though you ditched us at KI. ;) You missed some great Vortex and Beast night rides through thick fog, but I suppose that Blue Streak and Corkscrew might have made up for it.

I'm surprised that they let you snap the Eagles. When I rode, people were being scolded for any jerking at all.

My Mean Streak rides this season have been all across the board. I enjoyed my ride at CoasterMania, but the shuffling on my last visit left me with a headache.

As soon as the tweet dropped I thought it was Corkscrew, when I saw some enthusiasts running the other way towards Millie, and decided to follow them

Didn't you read the tweet? #NoRunning ;)

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I'll take any CP trip over a KI trip, I'm KI'ed out right now, and ontop of it, momma park knows best for me. We did get scolded after the chain reaction snap deal, which surprised both of us that it happened, but we still kept going with no issues.

I needed to run to burn off:

Buffalo Chicken Sandwich

Redds Apple Ale

New Belgium Fat Tire

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Pinks Scotty Dog

Minute Maid Lemonade

Onion Rings

Cheese on a Stick

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Glad you had a nice time. Did you notice that they changed the Palace Theatre back to its original name Lusty Lil's? When I was up there saw an absolutely outstanding wild west show there, Lusty Lil's Review. The piano player was spectacular.

I wasn't aware they changed the name. The website and show guide still lists it as Palace Theatre.
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