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I know that it has been a while since Episode 2 came out.  Okay, over six months.  But I have been busy.  Working sixty hours a week on average between my day job and my side hustle as a rides manager at Coney, since Coney opened back in May for the season.  But this upcoming weekend is Coney`s last of the year, so I will have more time to devote to this.  Hopefully people still want to listen to the podcast and future episodes.

We will be releasing another episode soon!  With another one following that in the not to far off future after episode 3.  I also have content ideas for two additional episodes.  

If you would like to be a featured guest speaker on an upcoming podcast, let us know.  Also let us know what subject area you would want to discuss.  After all, part of what makes KICentral a great fan site, is the community of people that love going to and enjoying Kings Island.

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