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Action Zone retheme?


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Based on what what recently announced with Adventure port. I decided to make a little AZ retheme idea based off of what they're going with in Adevnture Port. The way I'm going with this is they can tie all the AZ rides into being a sort of shipping/containment facility. Like with Banshee, I have it being Outpost 14 and its story is it is a containment facility built on the old site of the Outpost 5 shipping/containment facility (SOB) and it contains ghost creatures. The Bat I have it being Outpost 93 where it is a containment facility that started out as an airplane hangar (Top Gun/Flight Deck), but invasive Bats started flying into the area so the hangar had to shut down and it became a place Bats are kept. The possibilities here are endless. Remember just an idea.

Link to photo used: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.themeparkarchive.com%2Fparks%2Fkings-island%2Faction-zone&psig=AOvVaw0arI3f1N4WfFjI5FWENqcO&ust=1666647891224000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjRxqFwoTCNDZs6-p9_oCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD



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