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I'm sure most of you saw PKI's Nights of Fire in 3D, but we here at PKIC thought it wasn't enough. A simple photo gallery update wouldn't encompass the many events and attractions for the weekend, so we have compiled a video which is Nights of Fire in 5D! That's right, 5 camera angles spanning over two nights of filming! Click here to check out the video!

UPDATE: With a little help from a long time friend of the site, Jonah Keinath (Fusiondude), we were able to get pictures of the special events going on during the day as well as the 2005 Nick Parade! Check out the new pictures right here!! ENJOY!


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On Saturday, we had one video camera inside the park and one video camera out in the parking lot, set up on a tripod, on top of the hood of a car.

On Sunday, we had 2 video cameras inside the park and another one set up 1 and 1/2 miles down the road to get the full picture. As well as a Forth person taking pictures during the 2005 Nick Parade! Talk about a FULL weekend!

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That was the best video to date here on PKIC!!! cool.gif

Thanks for your kind words, Matt. I actually had a couple of requests for the video on DVD so people could send it to friends and family who are serving over seas... that's about as flattering as it gets.


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