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What can we expect at KI next season?


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With the SOB problems and the fact that KI has been taken over by a new company, I wonder if it's reasonable to expect any new rides for next season?

I am only posting the following info in this forum since I think it pertains to KI now.

I was looking at some coaster sites today and noticed that Cedar Point is building another coaster.


It just makes me wonder if there will be any budget money for KI next year and wondering what the future holds.

If this is already being discussed in another thread please point me to it. (OK - I found some posts about the CP coaster in other forums here, but my concern still remains).

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KI has a budget all of their own, like many of the parks in the CF chain. Cedar Fair has also stated that they would honor the addition that was already on the books for next year. Don't worry, something new is coming. What that is...who knows?

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OK - Thanks! I was not aware of getting something new for next season. That's great!

Personally I'm reverting back to my childhood where I no longer have the desire to be thrilled to death, but I have 2 teenagers that love KI and definitely want new rides.

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There are things that can be done at Cedar Point to build new rides. Shoot they can use the parking lot and just bus people to the park from an off site lot if it gets bad enough. But I don't think its going to come to that anytime soon. They can even do what Disney did in California build a parking garage. California's Adventure was built on top of the old Disneyland parking lot.

Cedar Fair did say that there was no big installs for next year at any of the Paramount Parks so I suspect at most we are getting a flat of some sort. Its a little late to be planning anything new that has not been ordered yet either.

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Regardless of the exact location of the new ride, I think it might end up going somewhere in Coney Mall. The area of the Eurobungee would be a perfect spot. I think a family type flat ride would be a wonderful addition to the park. I mean, look how well Delirium has been received (except that is geared more towards older people and not necessarily families.) I would believe that they have a ride selected already, although the name of the new attraction may be up in the air now that Cedar Fair owns the park. Kings Island might not be the only area park with a new ride in 2007...

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