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    Somewhere in OH
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    ummmm, let me think. Kings Island

keeperpanda's Achievements

KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. So, I went to Kings Island last night and as i was waiting in line to go through security and the part of the height sign that had been changed and viking fury was put on top of whatever was on there and i decided to read the sign. They still have the crypt on it! i wish i would have taken a pic but we got up to security so, ya know, but really Kings Island can you please update your sign...
  2. You have a good point about the Crypt building needing multiple levels but check this video out if they did something like that (not scooby doo of course) they could use that building without leveling it
  3. Im not surprised that BBOBH has no votes, I walked onto it a couple of weeks ago
  4. I hear it mostly on WindSeeker, I hate it when people have their phones out and they have to come over the pa and interrupt the music that makes WindSeeker what it is. My dad has a holster for his phone and he pulls his shirt down over it when we get in line, it has never caused a problem. Also, you can just get a locker by Banshee for 1$ an hour
  5. If you look at the URLs for Board To Death KillMart and Sorority House they are still from the old attractions, Mysteria (Board To Death), Holiday Horror (KillMart), and Cut Throat Cove (Sorority House). Does anyone know why this is? Are the present haunts where the old ones were? The same thing happened to The Bat, it still says Flight Deck.
  6. I wish i could have experienced it when it didnt have the seat belts. The first time i went to Ki was in like 2010.
  7. The only reason i would to go to Dinosaurs Alive is to pay the extra 2 dollars (would you have to pay that if you were a gold pass holder) to see the show in the Action Theatre, because I am too young to have experienced it during its run before they started using it for DA and Urgent Scare. You can see the whole thing on google street view!
  8. I bought one and the lights slipped down so you couldnt see them at the back so i was constantly turning around to make sure that every ScareActor around me could see it...
  9. I went to the Haunt and I didnt know what to expect and i (not going to lie) was scared. I did buy a No Boo neclace but thats besides the point. I am going back on the 30th and I was wanting some tips on "Surviving The Haunt" if you know what I mean. I will be taking the necklace but it will {hopefully} stay in my pocket the whole time... Also, what Haunt{s} would you recommend for me and my friend to do when we go?

  10. keeperpanda

    KI Survey

    Mine is probably the weirdest thing! lol. I bet nobody agrees with me! Pretty much because i didnt experience the ride i want to bring back and i have a feeling that everyone else wants phantom theatre to come back. If you look at my Haunt answer you should get an answer...
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