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psycho43142's Achievements

KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. There is a small portion of the plans that are labeled work area. The rest could be faked to throw enthusiasts off. Rumors were those weren't the real plans to start with if I remember correctly. With all due respect, this has to be about the silliest, most inane thing I've read here this week. Parks comply with the law. They don't do silly things that would not be legal to mess with "enthusiasts." Even when teasing a new attraction, so called "enthusiasts" are not a major factor. Attitudes like that expressed above are why so many in the industry find enthusiasts a bother that must be dealt with, not an asset. I find this whole discussion silly just like the park they are about, but to each there own. Sorry, but I have to ask why you're bothering to post here if you think the park is silly? I not only think that of the park, but of the whole chain. Besides it's good entertainment.
  2. Not true, they built Thinder Run at KK and it is fabulous now that RMC worked on it!
  3. There is a small portion of the plans that are labeled work area. The rest could be faked to throw enthusiasts off. Rumors were those weren't the real plans to start with if I remember correctly. With all due respect, this has to be about the silliest, most inane thing I've read here this week. Parks comply with the law. They don't do silly things that would not be legal to mess with "enthusiasts." Even when teasing a new attraction, so called "enthusiasts" are not a major factor. Attitudes like that expressed above are why so many in the industry find enthusiasts a bother that must be dealt with, not an asset. I find this whole discussion silly just like the park they are about, but to each there own.
  4. There is a small portion of the plans that are labeled work area. The rest could be faked to throw enthusiasts off. Rumors were those weren't the real plans to start with if I remember correctly.
  5. Which is fine because nothing about his statement is untrue. I also heard him say at Coasterstock that there would be a lot of disappointment when People find out it's all just for a path being built.
  6. What if this is all just for a path back to a new picnic area?
  7. SFGAm is in IL, SFGAdv is in NJ. That makes it easy to distinguish between the 2.
  8. So how was Storm Chaser or is it now known as the iPhone eater?
  9. To those of you thinking KK isn't in competition with KI remember this, but it is my opinion. KK has 2 of my top ten steel coasters while KI has Zero. They also allow snapping on they're flying scooter ride. I'm now of the opinion that I could care less what KI builds as I will not have a CF pass next year at all but I will have a KK pass again next year to go along with a BG/SW Platinum Pass, a Hershey Park Pass and a Six Flags Golsd Pass. My opinion only but until Cedar Fair starts to show respect its customers a little more I'm done.
  10. Arrows don't have a service life. Besides its the best coaster in the park.
  11. I understand that. But the guy I quoted is still nothing more than a ridiculous fanboy. He has shown that time and time again in his posts. He stated Millenium Force was better than Fury. And those of us that have experienced both, laughed hysterically. I think the only Giga coaster worse than Fury is Leviarhan. Both are forceless B&M snooze machines. Neither of those 2 coasters would make my top 100 steel.
  12. Or use my idea to stop at KI for food on your way to KK and then head home in time to eat a second meal at KI. Better yet just go to a Six Flags park.
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