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Everything posted by GreyByDefualt

  1. Maybe I am mistaken but I thought the second announcement was dealing with #WhatsInTheShed. I don't believe their is another attraction or ride or anything. The second announcement will only be about an additional element on Mystic Timbers. My mistake, you guys are correct. Awesome, more things to look forward to!
  2. I had problems as well close out your browser and try again. Also you may want to have open periscope in case the stream is unwatchable.
  3. Manufacture: Gravity Group Layout: Like the leaked blueprints/Out and back Special: Barrel Roll over the lake. KI claiming the world record for most wooden track. With the hint of barrel roll, and the likely steel supports with wooden track... Everything I see points to Gravity Group. Plus maybe my hometown pride is showing but c'mon GG is nearly walk-able distance to the park I think they would fight pretty hard to get this contact.
  4. I am not guessing this is going to be a huge coaster, but your guess seems awfully small. Stats Length: 2,500ft Height: 100ft Drop: 70ft Inversions: 2 (Two barrel rolls over the lake) Speed: 45 mph Duration: 2:00 min Manufacturer: Gravity Group
  5. I know that Cedar Fair has a relationship with GCI but with the hints of barrel rolls, a steal structure, and wood related clues... I am guessing its a Gravity Group hybrid coaster. It would have to hurt GG to not win a contract for a new ride for the park that is almost within walking distance to their headquarters. So put me down as #GG4KI2017!
  6. Sorry to crush anyone's hope that this is legit. This is just a screenshot from a concept created by a fan. . The actual screen grab was taken towards the end of the video.
  7. My dream ride would be a Mack multi-launch through the woods, with tight ground hugging elements. I understand the likelihood of that happening is quite low. My more realistic idea would be to turn The Crypt/Tomb Raider building into a dark Wild-Mouse ride. Think Kennywood's 'Exterminator' or Hershey's 'Laff Trakk'. Pros- It would be a fairly cheap investment. They can add another roller coaster to the count. It would be another 48' ride, which is always good for families. KI doesn't have anything like it and is need of another dark or indoor ride. The theme could be whatever they wanted or needed (kid friendly, scary, river-town, etc.) Cons- They are not the best at getting people through the line. It doesn't excite the giga crowd. I know I'd be excited about it. I haven't ridden enough Wild Mice to give a manufacturer preference. Honestly it would probably come down to whoever has a model that could fit into the building. What do you think?
  8. I have to agree with you. It looks like a small to medium sized GCI or GG. My guess 80ft height, into a curved drop. Hits max at 40~50mph a tunnel or a near miss with the railroad bridge. Then out and back. Just my guess.
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