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Everything posted by Rallyomalley

  1. a few photos. Maybe the powers at be at KI will take note.
  2. At Kings Dominion and KI ought to be ashamed of themselves for what they call a VIP area. There’s a whole building here for Prestige Passholders. Indoor and outdoor. Upstairs and down. Seating arrangements with TVs. Tabletop games. Heat lamps overtop each outdoor seating arrangements. We get a tent next to a dumpster, and they get this. Wild.
  3. Not seeing it, unless we’re 5000 agl.
  4. Was just about to post this. I’m being told Invertigo and Drop Tower after due to wind. Do I buy it? Not a chance.
  5. Maybe that’s the cynic in me, but at this point I’m not sure I’d believe the reason they’d give. This season has been full of empty promises (prestige anyone?),substandard ride ops (at least in comparison to previous years), reduced operating hours and days, early closures, and the list goes on. We didn’t even get 10 pm closes until darn near June.
  6. Went with my wife Thursday and noticed the following: Beast - 1 load / 1 unload DB - 1 load, 2 unload Mystic Timbers - 1 load / 1 unload Orion - 2 load / 1 unload Banshee - 2 load/ 2 unload AE - 1 train Ride op staffing levels are just pathetic now. Every coaster was stacked before the train in the station went out.
  7. This is me. I’m at less than half of my visits from prior years and to be completely honest I’m not getting the same enjoyment this year as I did in prior years. Have all the add-ons, Fast Lane, meal, drink, prestige. Just feels like they took my money and flipped me the bird after they did. Reduced operating hours. Reduced, slower ride ops. Poorer food quality and options. Not seeing much reason to renew right now.
  8. I did tacos, you get 3 of them. 1 scoop of meat split between the 3. Honestly it was hard to tell, they were so wet that it ended up being a cheesy/soupy mess on the tray. I’d have to try them again, and make sure to ask them to “drain the scooper” before I can make a statement on taste.
  9. Had it last night and was wondering the same thing. Mine was dripping so much it soaked through the taco tortillas.
  10. I still haven’t gotten a pass perk despite 30ish visits this year already. Prestige has been a MASSIVE disappointment. Seriously, what did we get for a pass that cost 3x?
  11. Holy cow, if the site is accurate he hasn’t been around in over a year.
  12. I couldn’t help but chuckle at your “data model” statement. I’ve heard other users on here make statements that CF/KI have mountains of data, but I’m convinced they have no clue how to interpret said data.
  13. A fold out sign/ barrier that said “do not enter”
  14. I have a sneaking suspicion you’re right. My real question goes something like “how are they charging a pretty decent premium and then serving up a turd?” I’m willing to throw money at the park. I have all the add-ons except funpix, I just can’t wrap my head around how they consistently under-deliver. It is not that difficult to offer a “vip” experience. A tiny plastic cup of water and a sample bag of chips for 3x the renewal price feels a bit…scammy?
  15. I’m in that camp. Literally can’t believe this is all we get for 3x the renewal cost. Really feeling like they pulled the ole switcheroo. I thought the “do not enter” barrier they put up at the entrance to the preferred / prestige parking lot (only partially full) was a nice touch too.
  16. I went both Friday and Saturday. My favorite part of Haunt has always been night rides in the fog. Fog was non-existent. I find the thought that they scaled back the experience in the name of security concerning. How about just addressing the security problems instead of neutering what is arguably one of the hallmarks of KI’s Haunt? I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a chaperone policy put in place this season. Saw more instances of misbehaving guests than I’d care to admit.
  17. Little weird that Diamondback has all the trains in storage on the last ride night of the regular season.
  18. Well I just saw it for the first time (30+ visits this season) and wanted to give her a shoutout
  19. Anyone else notice @VortexBFForever on the Tv’s in the queue’s? I did. And I stopped to watch the whole dang segment. Awesome job Carolyn! (I think I spelled it right?). Thank you for giving us a behind the scenes look.
  20. Everything is slow. And I mean everything. Drinks. Food.
  21. I'm wondering the same...can't use the live cams anymore to check on crowd size.
  22. I've got to ask, are you a returning employee or new employee? My source is a returning employee that was making in the mid $10/hr range. They were bumped to $12 and told the remaining $3/hour (to take it to $15) was contigent on them meeting all the asterisked criteria.
  23. I hope every one of them resigned. Edit: before I get banned I want to make it clear that every single one of these issues we are seeing at KI/CP and other CF parks can be traced back to incompetent senior leadership/Management. IMO it's time for a complete overhaul.
  24. I'm hoping someone here can confirm, but I was told that they aren't even really paying the $15/hour. That it's $12/hour with a bunch of asterisks attached to it, that if you stay the whole season THEN you get a payment for the extra $3/hour based on your hours worked.
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