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Everything posted by DubVLegend

  1. The Haunt is only hours away.... Woooooooooooo!!!!!! Happy Haunt Day! Hope to see some of you there! Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  2. Mysti is looking great so far! Can't wait! I'll get some pictures this weekend for everyone. Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  3. Not even sure what that is but I'm down Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  4. What's that I see poking out? Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  5. So far I haven't seen anything like that. Labor Day weekend they did the bring a friend. But as for every Sunday I don't think so. I'm sure there will be another bring a friend event sometime before the season ends though Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  6. Ok so this will be my first year at Haunt on the the opening day. So just curious as to what the crowds are like the first night of the Haunt? Are we talking a normal crowd or crazy busy? Edit - I also did a fake run through to buy Fright Lane tickets and did not see the No Boo Necklace... anyone know where i can find those as well?
  7. Not a double post Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  8. Don't miss that Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  9. What chyou talkin' bout Willis? Edit- sorry couldn't help myself... Rip little man. Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  10. Oh wow is that what it's for... I'm completely ok with that then Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  11. Anybody know what the private event is at KI this weekend that is preventing me from coming in and enjoying a couple days at the park. Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  12. Oops sorry yea KD Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  13. Ok so I have two problems with this. First I'll say it's great for KI show some extra love to their pass holders. Thanks! That being said I find it crappy that pass holder appreciation WEEK takes place in a week when they are only open on the weekend. My second issue is why not advanced notice?? I know there are plenty of pass holders that don't live in the immediate area that would love to take advantage of this but it's kinda hard to do at the last second with school, work, and traveling arrangements. Once again I think it's a great idea. I really do. But I think I'd change it around a little bit. Edit- I apologize I was incorrect it was from Kings Dominion which is still open during the week. Sorry! Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  14. I believe only the que of anything will go over the train. From my understanding the coaster itself will stay within the train tracks. Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  15. The haunt is coming...... Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  16. You won't be disappointed. I've tried a lot of different beers. A Lot! And it would definitely make the top ten Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  17. So for those who don't know Moerlein brewed a special beer for KI. For the beer lovers this is a very impressive beer and highly recommended. Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  18. Hey guys here's some pics for you That's it for now. Hope it holds you over! Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  19. DubVLegend


    Thats great!!! Are you 100% on that? I wasnt willing to pay for another funpix when we visited CP this year but next year having platinum passes I was tempted to do it, but its super exciting if i wont have to.
  20. I just hope theres a Splintercat in the shed somwhere.
  21. Don't fret, I believe the actual location of the shed and station will be about the area where the iconic Watch for falling trees fence went up(roundabout). Charlie Brown will live to race another year at least. Edit: I didn't mean right where the fence is... I believe the entrance/que will be directly behind the fence. Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  22. Cedar Point received its name a good bit before the park came in to the picture. At one point the peninsula (which is in the shape of a point) was covered in cedar trees. Even though that is no longer the case it still carries the name. That being said it would be nice to see them plant a large cedar somewhere in the park and surround it with flowers and a fence. Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  23. Currently the girls and I only have Gold. I was planning on doing platinum next year will that still be considered a renewal as well? Edit: Just getting home for work and went to get passes for next year and answered my own question... It is considered a renewal if you go from gold to platinum. Yay!!!! Sent from Me using Tapatalk
  24. Ok so I am excited for Winterfest, I'm sure they have looked at the past fails and learned from it and I expect something amazing next year. That being said it's still upsetting to know that we will have to empty boxes at the park next year. Maybe 2018. Sent from Me using Tapatalk
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