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Everything posted by Shaggy

  1. LOL, Don is now at the jobsite, apparently with camera in hand. ;-)
  2. Here's an obvious choice... Leznik Think about it... someone will eventually get it.
  3. You know, everyone here could have saved themselves a ton of stress and speculation if they had just read posts #1 and #3 in this thread. Not saying told you so... buuuut... LOL! ALWAYS TRUST SHAGGY ;-) Hee Hee
  4. Hey Thats kinda interesting... What is that crane popping up and down back there? Then again, That looks like its coming up from back by action theater.. Not to the left of Racer like the Magic red line states.. Hmmm... Its one of those trucks for putting in cement foundations. ...Which could be pouring a path or pad for the crane to assemble WindSeeker. My suspicion is that they will truck WindSeeker peices around the back road to the area right behind Action Theatre (The theatre sits high above a maintenance road that runs next to it and next to Beast. The crane will likely be placed inside The Racer split and will lift the peices from the access road, past South Racer turnaround and onto the site. Shaggy
  5. What station? Typically KI sends media invites or press releases prior to a major expansion to the park. I expect they've been alerted that they will receive a press release.
  6. Nice find. It does look different. But it does match the original red outline posted on facebook back in Jan...
  7. Looks to me as though the outline on the map the man is holding outside is not the same one in the picture taken inside the board-room.
  8. If memory serves me, the Antiques were sent for use at Worlds of Adventure. Plus, in this day of rising gas costs, I doubt CF would want to re-invest.
  9. For those thinking this has to do with a SOB rehab.. Why would they need to remove a tree? I personally feel it has NOTHING to do with SOB.
  10. Now see, everyone was second guessing me about seeing the banner the other day.... I told you so... ;-)
  11. I believe he meant "You're History", not "Your History"... at least that's the way it was posted on CoasterBuzz. "You're History" makes a little more sense. No, it was "Your history" and it was not posted on Coasterbuzz otherwise.
  12. http://cpguide.drewb...tag/stratosoar/ Excellent points... but shouldn't it be "Stratosaur?" LOL ;-)
  13. Seaworld San Diego just announced their new coaster before any land clearing began. As far as I know, no work has begun yet on their new project, but I could be wrong. Should be interesting to see what develops from the "clues" we have seen recently. WindSeeker was also announced before land clearing! WindSeeker isn't a coaster... ;-)
  14. And I guess that it has nothing to do with SOB. Given the following four things: - A pic on facebook of a "footprint" - A pic on Facebook of a topgraphy map for the land behind Racer - A quickly removed teaser on the KI website touting something big with a background featuring mud that evolved into a reptilian skin. - The recent pic of Don Helbig reviewing the 2011 park map, but obscuring the part of the park in question. I'd guess it's for a special attraction going in behind Racer. I don't think it's a coaster. I've never known a park to pre-announce a coaster prior to some sort of land clearing/construction beginning. I could be wrong, but typically obvious visual construction is what forces Marketing's announcement. Shaggy
  15. Just a guess, but it may be something as simple as one of those animatronic dinosaur walk-throughs.
  16. Did I miss another post about this? I checked KI's website today and the lead banner said: Something big is coming Your history 3.18.11 Seems to have the "look" of a dinosaur or paleo dig or beginning of man.... hmmmm... Let the speculation begin!
  17. By far, the best addition Paramount made was Flight of Fear. However that came at the cost of horrific commercialization of the park. Shaggy
  18. West on I-70? That's odd. WindSeeker is being shipped via cargo boat to Norfolk VA. From there, it's being trucked north. If the pieces you saw were for KI, it seems more likely to me they would have just travelled via I-64. I could be wrong, but those pieces you saw may be headed to Cedar Point.
  19. That may very well be WindSeeker. Oddly enough, the Webcam hasn't been working on my Laptop for the past 2 days... perhaps they are beginning vertical construction?
  20. Shaggy


    It's apparently an expansion of the park north of The Racer that's been in planning for sometime. (The removal of the Laser Tag building last season was the first piece of the puzzle....) It will likely connect the rear of Coney Mall to XBase at some point. But it's definitely a topography of the land there. (What is hard to make out is that there are points notated all along that "layout" which suggests to me survey markings notating land height.) (FYI... topography work on SOB began nearly 2 years prior to any wood ever being raised on the land. They then spent months re-inforcing, leveling the ground and installing a vast drainage system.)
  21. My guess is, the idea was to place it as to give Coney Mall a towering landmark at the base. Ala Eiffel Tower/International Street. Problem is, Coney Mall isn't a straight shot... it veers to the North past the Zephyr. Shaggy
  22. If Kinzel is a Republican, I'd look for it to be placed at KI directly facing our Invertigo. They'll call it "Dueling Reagans." ;-)
  23. It has never spun as it dropped. Originally it made 2 rotations as it went up, but then that changed to 1... and sometimes none. ;-) Shaggy
  24. I have a btter picture of the mouse at Coney that I'll have to look for, however in the meantime here's a pic of it. Now bear in mind this is a pic of the flooding at Coney Island in the early 1960s... but if you look sitting in front of the shooting Star, the wild mouse track can be seen. Notice how the cars were stored on the brakes at a high point on the track in order to avoid the flood waters.
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