Saturday Top Gun: guy in front of my 9 year old was holding his camera out recording while riding. I was silently cussing him hoping he didn't get the ride stopped or lose phone and hit my kid. It didn't fly out of his hand, but ride ops stopped him at exit and made him delete it, which he cry babied and complained about the whole exit till I turned around and told him lucky it didn't come out and hit my daughter or he would have had more than deleting a video to worry about.
Saturday Mystic Timbers of course ppl arguing about backpacks.
Sunday while waiting for train to pull up to station to get off Woodstock, heard ride op repeat at least 3 times not to climb on the gate. (Kids climbing, adults not bothering to make them stop), a pause, then VERY LOUDLY told them to get off the gate.
Again Sunday: Race for your life ops repeatedly saying to same lady put phone away while riding. Lady didn't listen cause next we hear "IT IS ILLEGAL UNDER OHIO STATE LAW TO RECORD OR TAKE PHOTOS WHILE RIDING." Lady finally put it away.
Carousel by Eiffel Tower: ops repeatedly having to tell someone area was non-smoking.
Honestly in 2 days there I don't see how anyone doesn't lose their mind with visitors. I'll remember next time I'm there if someone seems a bit short with me: there are some real PITA ppl they gotta put up with... DAILY.