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Everything posted by MrSourNinja

  1. Yeah while I don't think any of this will happen due to expense, I think it would improve AE a lot. Hell I would be thrilled if they took a year and didn't add rides or anything but in turn focused on improving theming and smoothness of rides across the park that would be awesome!
  2. The break run is long enough for two before the exit run I think? There is also the mid course so there is stopping room for 5 trains on the course.
  3. I guess when I talk about a rattle I mean rough patches that are generally close to the ground, anything that is high up in the air is very smooth for the most part.
  4. I have the very original two posters
  5. I love the look of the trains but if we are honest, they are garbage. Terrible seatbelt location, not comfortable, hard to get in and out...
  6. If I didn't have to work I would totally make the trek down there lol. Gotta follow up my first big news break!!
  7. Two visits ago the lights were still like off in the FOF queue during the morning. That **** was creepy I ain’t gonna lie. Extremely dark and the bowl was dark too. Scary but cool.
  8. Honestly, an RMC t-rex could be a great next investment if the giga is an air time monster. I don't think it is going to be so you might want something with more air time, but if it has enough I would be down to wait like 6 years to get a HUGE RMC t-rex that is a speed demon.
  9. I'm pretty sure it was confirmed that it is a hyper but I guess I could be mistaken.
  10. Right?! Like mystic's theming is okay but let's be honest the queue is mediocre. Yeah the truck is cool but after that it isn't much. The shed is nice and definitely a welcomed break run sitting treat. But a queue like FOF would be appreciated by many I'm sure. Not to mention how much cooler it is when you hit that bunker entrance on a hot day!
  11. Probably not recently. Doesn't mean we couldn't reignite the flying flame
  12. I just watched the POV for that and I think it looks awesome honestly... The layout could be a bit better but I think it looks very fun.
  13. Hey I saw them first doesn't that qualify me to get one!?
  14. I think a flyer would be better than a floor-less honestly. The loss of Firehawk really showed me what a good, new flyer could do. Plus you could do it where Invertigo is and fly over and around the gate, or you could have it fly around in the woods (the cooler option imo). You cannot tell me a flyer that kept its average max height below the tree tops wouldn't be cool.
  15. This is so intriguing. @EngineerX you alluded to something extra being that we haven't figured out yet but then agreed to him saying that doesn't matter. Im confused on your standpoint lol
  16. How do we know the scale is off? I missed this
  17. Yeah I agree. It has one of the best themes in the park and the entrance just feels incomplete. Really hoping the repave some of that area over there too. Compared to other parts of the park it looks terrible.
  18. I'd go if I didn't live an hour and a half away...
  19. It definitely does lol. I'd say it's most prevalent sitting in the back and at the bottom of drops when you are close to the ground. Diamondback has a similar rattle that IMO has gotten significantly worse recently, most notable on the red train and around the turnaround.
  20. It would be really interesting to see if there are any new blueprints filed. Nobody has went since the last round of prints a while ago right? Honestly I'm hoping for this. IMO Orion is a much better name than Polaris.
  21. No way! I work in Canal LOL
  22. People are just gonna skip to the end no way the read them all lol
  23. You’re fine man. They took them down and edited them and put them back up. All good.
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