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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. I used to love that ride cause while u were upside down u could move the joystick back and forth to remain upside down. Plus there was always a lot of change on the station that u could pick up. That was where i got a lot of my money for the arcade.
  2. If u wanted to be private u could just go into one of the family changing rooms at water works. What about the lazy river or rushing river, that would be a ''rush''.
  3. I think they'll get rid of the days of thunder raceway.
  4. I heard that a lot of their acreage is part of a land reserve and is not allowed to be constructed on. If that makes sense.
  5. Nice, I shoud try something like that with my photo editor.
  6. I know exactly what you mean, at action theater, there were always those venders in the line. Its not only them that make a mess but then they sell bags of popcorn and snowcones to the guests and they get everywhere, I swear, one day when I was doing cleanup at the end of the night, there was a trail of popcorn from the split in the lines, all the way to the pre-show. I was so mad. We even filed a complaint against those venders and they still came back and were dirty as ever.
  7. Sorry everybody about starting two identical topics. Please respond in this one rather than the other one because the other one will hopefully be closed. Thanks alot. -Nick-
  8. Has anyone heard about Cedar Points new indoor waterpark, Castaway Bay? I needed a news paper article for my Econ class and I saw an article about it and used it. It is costing Cedar Point $22million and will be open year round. It is supposed to attach to one of the resorts on the park, right next to the existing water park. Do you think its a coincidence that Cedar Point is building a new waterpark the same year as PKI? A park usually thinks about adding something for a while before they actually build it. Would it have been possible for either park to know that the other was building a waterpark, or did CP realize that PKI was building a new waterpark and decided to build a new one in a matter of months? Whats your opinion?
  9. This is mainly for non-pki ride ops., however if you have input you may. From a guests point of view, what ride(s) do you think are the, Hardest or most boring to work and which ride(s) are the Easiest or funnest rides to work. Non-associates give your opinions, associates can reply.
  10. I worked Vortex this past season and I can tell you that Kings Island is not thinking about removing Vortex at all right now. There is nothing at all wrong with The Vortex, and Kings Island has no reason to remove it why do people think Kings Island is going to remove it. Vortex is a great coaster.
  11. Hey guys, i was just thinking about some of the places where pki could maybe put in a new ride. I was thinking behind FOF where the trail of horrors is during fearfest. Or maybe they could put a ride back just a little behind tomb raider. Where do you guys think a good place for a new ride would be?
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