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Everything posted by KIEagle33

  1. I had no idea they gave out Swag-bags for ride records.
  2. Dont worry, it will be back in due time.
  3. Exactly. There is something pretty cool about seeing that "20 years later" icon.
  4. I don't think his intent was to be a "creep". It is the user's decision whether or not to reveal your own location. I believe he was simply trying to fact check your post.
  5. I was thinking that exact same thing. Either a cat or a small dog of some sort.
  6. Looks like some digging going on in the bottom left hand corner...
  7. Ah, yes. The wonderful southern Ohio weather, doing what it does best.
  8. No need for panic! I was just saying for when The Bat gets taken out one day. It is NOT leaving next year NOR was there any announcement.
  9. I think I'll save my money for a tack slice of The Bat. Hopefully that doesn't go on sale for a while!
  10. Does anyone happen to know where the sign shop is located at the park? I have always wondered.
  11. I could see the old sign being incorporated into some kind of que easter egg, along with some other different types of teasers.
  12. This YouTube channel deserves more subscribers!
  13. Unfortunately, Orion has already disturbed The Beast.
  14. The funny part is we were in line for Adventure Express when they said it!
  15. I'm really happy about all this, but I kind of wish Soak City got something. I know most folks on this site are probably just into the dry-side of the park, but as a local I find myself visiting the water park a lot.
  16. So the new theme for AE explains why those trees were removed.
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