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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. people need to really listen to this person he is 110% right no i take that back 1,000,000% right... evrey one needs to listen to this person cause he is the smartest person on this web site......
  2. That is so old and lame. i thought it was funny...
  3. intamin speed coaster intamin mega coaster intamin giga coaster ------------------------- Huss topple tower(lol) B&M anything
  4. i have rode the jump 2 in canada... it looks like a really good ride. but i was wrong it was ok but it was really short and kinda boring....
  5. L1812H

    Dumb Question

    he is so right people on here have no clue what they are talking about so dont belive it.
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