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Everything posted by Erosarrow05
what is your reason for asking if hulk is down?
Youre right interpreter - its an absolute riot.... or not.... Anyway - some orchestral selections from international street ... Star Trek Insurrection Theme Forest Gump Suite Addams Family The Theme from Terms of Endearment If you use Limewire or any other P2P music sharing software - just search for James Horner, he composes a lot of the Paramount Music... I really enjoy the orchestral selections pki has chosen for IS...
Since when is PKI not a destination park??? Thats somewhat of a sensationalist claim you got there pal.... of course with no evidence to back it up. I, with 99% of others, will NOT be watching what Cedar Fair does with Son of Beast .... I'll just be riding - and enjoying my day.
Wooferbear - thats rude... how dare you ! Its Meijer - the penny pony is there.... She might run out of gas.... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!!! :-D
Ive always wondered if the FCC mandates what is worthy of breaking in the news???.... Oh - and during that styrene leak - i was living on lovely beechmont ave ... on the Beechmont hill, so i know all about the detour - and you could have just taken red bank up to 71 and then the lateral across.... thats what i did at least.... But anyway - the saving grace is that sometimes - if you unplug your cable - you can get a dayton news station.... Someone should call Michelle Hopkins and ask her to investigate all the BREAKING NEWS alerts -
Wooferbear - I could not agree with you more - Cincinnati news is by far - the WORST news i have ever seen in my life... Everything is ALWAYS breaking news... I remember during the first 2 or 3 days of Katrina - all the local news stations had wall to wall coverage of the syrene leak.... are you kidding me? They are all fools - 5 12 and 9... even though nine is the one i generally watch... Furthermore - the woman on that clip - is trashy. Of course as soon as she gets her money back shes whistling a whole different tune. And what a moron - the ride goes up in the air and spins around for 2 minutes... duh.... Hmmm... apparently the best childrens area in the country isnt all that great.... In the words of a complete and utter fool.... You my dear, get the News 12 Bone
Well in 2004 CP added the water fortress like PKI's and virtually every other waterpark .... Those things while very popular, are a dime a dozen.... Before that, the last install at Soak City was the second wave pool.... I would have to agree though that charging extra for BB would be more of a deterrent than a draw. I do believe that PKI has the ability to become a resort destination like CP - the question is, will CF invest the money to make that happen - probably not. ps - i love everyones homemade graphics about "Kings Island - a Cedar Fair LP park" .... super cute - *sarcasm off*
If you dont please the guest, how are you going to make revenue?
Its to early to tell... I think the biggest nay-sayers of Paramount will agree with that. My biggest fear - aside from losing my beloved Winterfest :-D :-D :-D would be this.... Dick Kinzel said: "... Cedar Point is the engine that runs Cedar Fair..." I think the same could be said about PKI.... " ... Kings Island is the engine that runs Paramount Parks..." *of course, the what about wonderland posts will follow.... im sure* But regardless... I would hate to see Kings Island cast to the wayside. I would be naive to think that Cedar Point isnt the gem of the chain... I just hope it doesnt end up being a GL situation... Lastly - As much as I didnt want Cedar Fair to purchase PPS, i will say this... I trust them. Would the PPS ever join astroworld - of course not, KI could have been a lot worse off, could we have been better off, of course. I personally, will miss paramount parks - I think they established a good reptutation for themselves, and they brought our beloved park into the limelight even more. And I think we can all agree to that.... So heres to the last year for Paramount Parks... ps.... After being employed by both parks - pki wins hands down
they have already remedied that problem as you can tell by the pki webpage and the park maps...
Haha... perhaps... Its more like - at least what you say isnt ignorant rubbish and you know how to have a conversation...
I kind of got the vibe that Winterfest will meet the axe, as with the Paramount movie themes... Just my feeling... I wonder if they will feel out winterfest for another season... Although its not that hard to refund the money from advance ticket purchases. Time will tell ...
No, you dont know what you are talking about... You are by far one of the top people that ***** and moan about how terrible the park is - i would rather debate Kings Island with wooferbear any day of the week - you are so close minded when it comes to anything paramount or Kings Island....
No no no... I think i worded that incorrectly - I meant that the executives at paramount / viacom .... not the corporate office in charlotte... ie Les Moonves However, I think it would be safe to assume that the people in Charlotte are very familiar with park operations.... and as for the removal of the eagles... It was more of a loss to the enthusiasts than the GP overall.... Sorry - i should have worded that a little better
WB, I dont think you have any idea what the powers that be are interested in, to be frank. You make all your sensationalist claims that quite honestly are non-substantiated. You chronically say "Paramount" rips this out, changes that and so on and so forth. WHO is "paramount"? Most of the 'senior staff' at Kings Island has worked there for many many years, even before Viacom purchased the parks - So its not like this California media conglomorate is ripping things out right and left.... and you know that. I really think in your warped mind that you see executives from Paramount come to the parks and just say "this needs to go".... and out it goes Kings Island is still Kings Island - the staff is 99.95% from Cincinnati / Dayton.... Furthermore ... You have no idea the cost of presenting a show, if memory serves, werent you in food service? Just because you were a full timer, doesnt mean you know how much these things cost. Lastly, why would losing the international showplace be a huge loss?
considering you are a wealth of knowledge, you should know what capacity is.
If you read my post titled "....enough, enough" youll get my 'point'
Wooferbearatl, Was there any point to your post below other than being obnoxious? Obviously you were about to make out what my post said, even through my 1st grade grammar and my pitiful spelling. Im so embarassed
It really is no secret that this message board, as of late, has become swamped with negative and disparaging comments about PKI. It just baffles me how many people will sit there and pass such harsh judgement on a place they "love to go". I liked coming to this fansite until I had to start sifting through all of the same topics that get beaten to death over and over again. I would much rather read a post about CP V PKI than all this crap about over priced, under staffed, filthy and cheap. Is there nothing else to talk about ? Just for fun last night I clicked on the main board and just randomly clicked topics on the first page just to see how many contained these stupid messages that served no purpose than to just jump on the 'paramount' sucks bandwagon. Try it, you'll be surprised. We all know who the chronic Paramount 'haters' are, and you would really have to dig to find a positive comment come from any of them. So are they really PKI enthusiasts? I may be alone in thinking that the quality of this site is stellar, but the content of its message board is subpar. Some loose sight of who reads this. Its not just the enthusiast community, although I use that term loosely with some of you. Last night I couldnt help but just feel embarrassed for the overall message that the board is sending out right now. It is certainly not a positive one. I am certainly not going to defend Paramount or PKI to anyone, anymore. I like it, I have a great time, and I dont mind spending my money there, because I think its worth it. And besides if I did defend them, Id have the Paramount lynch mob outside my door and WooferbearATL would be stringing me up with adam12 holding the torch. At somepoint this will all fizzle out and life will return to normal and people will realize that the good times outweigh the bad. I think some of us have lost sight of that. I feel like I am in the minority on this site, that being 'pro paramount' is a bad thing. How disappointing... So the question remains .... When is enough, enough?
You hate paramount, yet you go to the park... I dont understand Its official Im completely embarassed by the unintellectual negativity on this message board.
i agree... apparently the park needs to go back to what it used to be.... :-\
... PKI is not pricing themselves out of the market by a long shot...
Pkifan... I would be totally in favor of the positive and negative board. Its all to infrequent that the 'know it alls' come on here preaching to a choir, high in the heavens, about how the demise of PKI is looming upon us and how the park is doomed. There is a line between a friendly debate and just a chronic overflowing of negativity from some people. Ill be the first one in line to defend paramount to the naysayers... I know that others grow weary of having to sift through posts that constantly point out .... - how PPS sucks at themeing and maint. - how the are ruining The Beast - how great it would be if Cedar Fair bought PPS - how cheap PPS is - how "I" wish KI would abondon its identity and go back to whatever it "was" I would have thought that posts like these would have been put into a specified thread, but instead you find heaps and mounds of these posts just floating in the general discussion forum. While some people, who have a education behind there screen name, are able to word there posts to sound intellegent, there are some who are like a broken record. This site holds just as much valuable information to trip planners and media sources than the pki.com website does. I dont understand why people want to write disparaging comments about a place they enjoy going to, especially when people use this website as a reference to making a trip. All I am saying, is that it may be beneficial to do a little 'case study' to see if creating a forum in addition to the general one, where people can vent frustrations etc, would be a worthy addition. I personally think it would.... Just as a little side note.... I have always found this an interesting point, be it on PKIU, PKIC, Extremepki, Coasterbuzz, URC.... wherever.... there is always more disagreement than agreement. Always dissention among the troops... The only other message board I have ever been apart of is one for Lake Cumberland in south central Kentucky. I could count on one hand the number of negative threads ive read there over 5 years... Its not as though the two arent related being vacation destinations... Marina ownership changes, gas prices soar, fees to launch a boat, rental fees, taxes on luxury watercraft that cost in excess of 500,000 - 2,000,000... And yet the 2000 members on that site are just a bunch of good ole boys (and gals) that dont mind shelling out the big bucks to go the area because it offers a great product. If i had to base my vacation plans on what i read online .... of course i would go to lake cumberland.... at least there they can all agree on one simple fact, Cumberland is a great place. So go ahead.... boo me if you want, it doesnt matter .... I still love my paramount ps - gas at Jamestown Marina is 4.03 for regular :-D WOO HOO FOR A 60 GALLON TANK
Jzarley... I completely agree... and you beat me to it... A class i took last quarter involved writing a paper with a prompt that was perfect for the viacom split - paramount parks for sale scenario... I gathered information from 200 students at UC and the results were interesting.... The survey consisted partially of the following questions.... 1. Are you a Paramounts Kings Island season pass holder 48 yes - 152 no 2. Have you been a season pass holder between 1993 and 2006 167 yes - 33 no 3. Are you aware that Paramounts Kings Island is for sale 77 yes - 123 no 4. Does the change of ownership affect your plans to visit this summer 1 yes - 199 no 5. When you visit Paramounts Kings Island do you purchase your tickets at the gate 6 yes - 146 no 6. Are you aware that Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH has lowered admission prices? 2 yes - 198 no 7. If Paramounts Kings Island lowered admission price up to 20 percent, would you consider adding an additional trip to Kings Island this year? 41 yes - 111 no 26. Where would you be more willing to spend your dollar - Any of the summer destinations - or at the gas station? 200 summer destination - 0 gas station The survey is about summer plans and factors that contrible to additional or less trips. The locations on the survey were PKI, State Parks, Lakes and Reds games. So as always, you can take it for what its worth but it was interesting to me.
Maybe you should get off the paramount sucks so bad train... Let us not pretend that Kings Island was flaw free before paramount. I would much rather go to SeaWorld of ohio - may it rest in peices... than go to the wild animal habitat. WAH was a one trick pony. You pay to ride around in a monorail - woo hoo... IF pki was to consider something like that - to make it a worth while upcharge attration - for me, it would need to be something like SFWOA had.... But alas - paramount can do no good in some peoples' eyes