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PCarowindsGuy's Achievements

KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Obviously none of you visit Carowinds on a regular Basis. I live about 10 Minutes away and let me tell you it's not the Happy Land you think it is. 1st off the park has not that many rides and more than half are only ok. Second you come twice and think the employees our better than PKI's? Please, I've run into more bad employees than you ever will. And landscaping? We have the longr growing season ,as someone already said, on our side on that one. I visit PKI just as much as you visit Carowinds and I haven't ever had a bad day there. Plus I'd take your rides over ours any day (Except Top Gun, Ours kicks a$$). Don't get me wrong I love to go to Carowinds and it is very clean and nicely landscaped, but I wouldn't go calling it the Gem of the Paramount Park chain until you visit reguarly. But I hope you had a great time at Carowinds while you were here.
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