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Everything posted by Braves0511

  1. I just "acquired" our old family chevy blazer...it got semi ok mileage to begin with, but now with 240 000 miles on it (we drive em into the dirt) im lucky to get 12 miles...at the moment im jobless, but the search is on. I think im gonna have to get two jobs to pay for gas to get to the third... and the sad part is, we've brought this on ourselves, we've grown into such a self centered society that we can't live without our cars, and the gas people have figured this out, and have us at their "mercy" If we really started walking biking or "bussing" and stopped relying so heavily on the oil, the companies would have no choice. Oh and those boycott day things, really don't work...they just jack the prices the day before Im done, for now...
  2. With the lights, I would like to see more lights on rides everywhere, not just The Racers. I think alot of the coasters would look amazing with more than just the running lights up the lifts...all except for The Beast of course. Take Flight Deck (man that's weird) for example, you could light up the breaks at the end of the ride like an aircraft carrier.
  3. Braves0511

    eek! Top gun!

    But wouldn't starting and stopping all the time also wear on a motor over time? Apparently my sister has been playing Xbox on my gamertag while I've been gone...I'm gonna have to smack her
  4. I would assume they wouldn't be too difficult to make if they don't exist? Are we talking about the one's where it just said RACER in big block letters? with the little v shape underneath?
  5. That's what's great about having two band periods in my day...i can sit back behind the xylophones and stuff in the percussion section and talk to whoever I want for half the day and rarely get caught.
  6. At least it was just the sides of the tunnel...I went to Six Flags St. Louis a couple summers ago, and you quickly learned handrails were not your friends...I don't think they've ever cleaned them, it was really bad in the queue lines. On a pertinent note, I would like to see The Racers painted in their original red, white and blue, I think that would negate the bad feelings about the turnaround for me at least.
  7. I just started riding, and enjoying, Recar last summer...and was looking forward to it again...but I guess not...oh well...there's small children in poor countries that have never seen a roller coaster and I'm complaining about riding one forwards the way it was intended...It'll be interesting to hear all the people in the park that aren't as informed as we are...I wonder how many times i'll have to bite my toungue in line lol.
  8. June 23, 2005 At the time I was terrified of coasters, but really enjoyed looking at them and reading and such...that summer was the first summer I really started to enjoy riding them too. Since then I've been a dedicated reader, I don't post so much since I live a couple hours away and don't get to go very often so I rarely have anything intelligent to add.
  9. It's interesting to see how even the shops were attractions in and of themselves. When you went to Kings Island it wasn't just about riding rides, it was an entire experience. Now eating is just something you have to do while your there...
  10. They could do it off the transfer track I believe. I would think the hardest part would be switching the brakes and such around.
  11. I definitely want to go on the twelfth...Red is basically amazing, Pillar is really cool...they cam to a church in my hometown last summer, and their drummer and I "bonded"...(i helped him carry stuff out)...hes really cool, and scary huge. I much prefer the small shows like that because you get to meet them and it's much closer, but the big ones are cool too when they feed off the crowd... Maybe my mom will get me a ticket for my birthday in a month...
  12. Don't even talk to me about paying attention in High School lol...I just failed my last trimester of band!!! for the second time! yes that takes a lot of talent. But see, the logic here is what is the fun in passing an unfailable class? I just did the impossible! Everyone should worship me or something... But seriously, good find! Construction Pix would be very cool, not just of the tower but some of the other older rides. I've seen very few pictures from before 2000 give or take and would love to see some of the original costruction.
  13. this has nothing to do with drop rides, but goes along with things hitting the bottom before the car...I rode Mr. freeze at SF St. Louis a couple years ago, and someone chucked a penny as we were going down the top hat backwards...the penny floated next to my head the whole way down, and was really cool, and then landed back in the car at the persons feet directly behind me. YAY pointless story.
  14. I'm with a lot of you in living too far away. I live just west of Indianapolis and it takes me almost exactly two hours to get there, and there's no where closer. I would absolutely kill to work in a park, especially Kings Island, but any of them will do. Avitar: your little bug in your signature definitely just threw me for a loop...
  15. WHile you were at MGM did you see some guy, i can't remember his name, he was a performer, that drove an old green truck and had a funny accent. He mostly sat at the front gate and advertised shows and such...he was hilarious my friends and i spent an hour just stanging there listening to him...he involved the crowd fairly well and was extremely entertaining with many "multi meaning" jokes, that we, the only five high schoolers around, would get
  16. Its weird to think that i've ridden something where someone has passed away...what an odd thought...and another odd thought, could you imagine going some where like that for a day/week of amazing fun, and have it cut off by a parent dying? i'd quit.
  17. We should put some flags on it...and not take care of it...
  18. I didn't get a chance to ride it after it reopened this year...it was still closed during our annual family trip...But I will at some point I'm sure. I didn't mind it before the accident, and even rode in the very back seat once, and enjoyed it. I don't know if it was a good day or have just never ridden a smooth wood coaster, but i found that The Beast felt rougher to me that day than SOB...but only on that day...usually it's the other way around...
  19. Wow that brings back some memories...particularly of my pre coaster riding days, that was about the time where i was still too scared to ride anything. I went the year after that in 97 and sat in kiddie corrals all day, getting made fun of by all the ops. I also loved the log flume there in the beginning of the video, that thing caught some air there at the bottom, or at least took a bit of a hop. I miss that thing, i liked it better than Wild Thornberries. One more random memory...my first trip to KI my dad and the guy we were with convinced me to stand on the Congo Bridge, i had no clue what was coming, being a little guy and seeing that wall of water coming at me, i think i'll need counselling, lol, i walked around the park with a comb over from turning my head away from the water still have the pictures of it somewhere...
  20. I went on a band trip there a few years ago...it was ok, the thing that made it really enjoyable were the people i was with...had i been by myself or with my family, it would have been a long day...I enjoyed Mr. Freeze and the Boss...howeverr Boss was new that year and hadn't had time to be "six flagged" yet if you know what i mean...
  21. it'd be nice if they put all the water rides in one spot...I rarely ride WWC or Congo, sheerly because i hate walking around wet, especially wet shoes. But if it was all in one area I could easily change clothes, ride the wet stuff, and then change back...
  22. I love the sound of SOB's lift, you can hear it all over the park, it's constantly reminding you it's still there waiting on you...lol lame i know...Firehawk on the other hand is fun to watch in the queue...but on the ride with the chain right in your ear...that was painful, only complaint i had about that ride...
  23. and if it is...i blame the news media in all seriousness though, i would put some of it on them, i know they rip on parks every summer but it seems so much worse this summer because there have been some major accidents mixed with the little tiny ones. I was at my grandmothers when the KK thing happened and I said gee...i hope they reopen drop zone when I go to KI next week, and she said she really didn't want me to ride it and she was going to tell my mother that...it was lame, she almost talked my mom out of letting me go. And I do believe that is....(drumroll please)...Post number.... 100!!!!!!
  24. I always have to fight the urge to correct people on such things when they're talking in line...like last month in The Beast line i heard a brand new one, for once, someone was saying they were gonna make The Beast go backwards or take it out if that didn't help it become "popular again" as they so eloquently put it...My friend who was with me knew that I knew better, and kept telling me to ignore them it was pretty funny... But anyway, back On topic...wasn't The Vortex built more to fit The Bat's old footprint more or less? I know it uses the same station and some of the same footers...was that mostly coincidence or a deliberate effort at cutting building costs? *oooooh gettin' close, 99th post!!!* (it's only taken two years...)
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