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Snake Attack!

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Everything posted by Snake Attack!

  1. Well those have now been replaced again with colorful nametags, white 15, silver 16 and 17 and gold 18 and up. I happen to be a Manager In Training right now at sixteen and I shutter to think I would lose my job next season after all the hours and dedication I have put into the park, simply because of my age. (I was also told if I were to do this to me I could file or whatever for age discrimination.) I also dread what will happen to my beloved games department if internationals do work there. We are always working with the people and sometimes even the most educated employee can't help the guest. Also redirecting the question to the supe will never work, at times we are run ragged with our best employees in the games.
  2. Yeah I really like that we have cornhole in there now, you can keep up to date on the score of games while still working, many associates really like it.
  3. Well I can garentee that the tunnel lasted longer than 1992 or 3 because I remember as a child walking through it multiple times and I am pretty sure I wouldn't remember it as well as a 3 or 4 year old. I would say it came out probably '95 '96 but I am not sure.
  4. How about a new sign and a renovation of the station.
  5. ^ Well I think we are talking about the wrong sign but I am talking about the one where you are just about to go up the steps and it is on the right. It would be where you would come out of the now closed path.
  6. Well when I go to other parks I play the games just for the fun of it and the challenge. And many people play the games cause their pride and ego get in the way look at 3 pt. challenge 5$ to play in front of sometimes 30 people and you don't even have to set up the ball and you could win a jersey. Cornhole didn't necessarilay work off of egos but it was mighty fun to play. Also most games you can't play in your backyard (squirtgun, milk can, high striker, bowlingo RIP,) And hey I consider it a part of the whole theme park experience.
  7. Well whats funny is even 8 years after they changed the que lines there is still a sign up that says Authorized Personal Only where you would come out.
  8. Yeah I can hear it from my house and then I can also hear the train from my house, and the fireworks. I live in the heart of Mason on Mason Montgomery
  9. Well after watching almost all of the videos of everybody I would have to say that this one was the best, sorry guys. But he had almost every ride, great new points of view, the music was perfect,and I really liked it when he had all of the pictures of the effiel tower together. Nice job I really enjoyed it.
  10. She could have easily dropped the camera and that would have been very funny. Along the same lines yesterday at Days of Thunder my partner was working at the front taking money and he saw off of Delerium a Cell phone and a pack of gum fly off toward him. He went over to pick it up, the cell phone was badly damaged but we in the games department enjoyed the park of gum for the rest of the day.
  11. Bolingo (bowling game in rock shop) has not been opened all season it was taken out at the end of last season. Although the bowling game was mighty fun to play
  12. The white trim in the picture above is not new by any mean the building looks the same from when I worked there just they have now done stuff to the outside.
  13. Realistically I think it will become a nice park setting! But if they were feeling adventurous they could make the worlds largest hop-scotch weaving through the path.
  14. ^right but that means that Kings Island will be making like a buck less per admission which sure does add up in the end
  15. Yea somebody finally put a little bit of games in their videos
  16. I was afraid that this would be happening the parade was one of the things that I looked forward to everyday working in Nick, time to drop the mic and just hang and watch the parade.
  17. Very nice, but were those people on sob which would mean that those were old pics. Nice job man
  18. I actually hate helix's because all you do is go in a circle and then get extreme g'forces applied to you. I don't really know of a helix in Adventure Express but I may just not remember one and I agree topgun doesn't have one either. But.. I voted Vortex not cause it is just a great way to cap off the ride in gerneral
  19. Well is the star spangled banner played all throughout the park, like even in Coney Mall cause I was there yesterday and I didn't hear anything or even any talk about it.
  20. I hope the Paramount tower gets the axe. I can recall as a kid when they used to do shows there.
  21. It happen all the time, right now in games we have three big managers in charge two full timers. One has been there for 15 years and our Games Manager has been there for 16 years, she just kept working and working and working...
  22. Where do you think this new attraction is going to go, it would be cool if it went where Euro-Bungey is now, hopefully we won't be losing any coney rides though besides Euro-Bungey
  23. No problem, just make sure that you show the attendant out there your ticket cause they kind of control the line. Also don't lose the ticket cause I don't think you will get your money back.
  24. Great point, If I was a guest I would also feel much more safe with what Chris said than what Chris maybe should have said.
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