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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Parking last year was not given to everyone simply because they purchased it last year it was given to everyone who had it processed before the season ended. Before the season ended in 06 there were guests who showed up to process their passes and the lines were so long that those guests who did not want to wait had their season pass tickets stamped with a red dot. This showed the season pass office that they had attempted to process their pass before the deadline ended and that they could still have the free parking. The policy is that the season parking pass goes on one persons season pass and that person must be in the vehicle when the pass is presented for free intrance to parking. If someone told anyone that it was OK to use someone else's season pass for parking or anything else they were given false information. I can also assure everyone that your picture does show up at tolls when the pass is scanned to see if it has parking attached to it.
  2. Has anyone received a postcard that says save the date for the season kickoff party February 3rd? I just received it today in the mail but still haven't received any rehire information.
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