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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. isn't there a high possiablity of there being nothing for next year? It is ofcorse going to be going through some great changes w/ the takeover.
  2. The Core idea would be pretty sweet... I don't for see it happening... but sweet none the less
  3. most likely what will happen... CF dumps it.
  4. I don't rember when they stoped using the theming underneith the station, or why. Would anyone rember when/why this was?
  5. I would first add a show into the festhouse again, redo the train so it had a 'show' with it. I would also clean up the midways.
  6. Williams


    Definately The Beast... although IJ and TG are intense as well.
  7. I ride it because it is just simply a stunning ride. It is one of a kind and out of control.
  8. I totaly agree w/ the idea to move it towards the other water rides (wwc & wild thornberrys) I never ride Congo Falls cause then i have to walk halfway across the park. Just not worth it.
  9. It is gone. Probably better off for it. However, an idea for a new ride would be a stand up. It is an interesting experience. From what i can remember from the KC, it wasn't that spectacular. Bering in mind, it was the first stand-up. Today, a much better design could be made.
  10. I believe with the problems that have occured, something must be done. Maybe... just maybe a wooden roller coaster wasn't ment to go over 200 ft tall. I have never enjoyed a ride on it, yet i love rides that toss you around like beast, mean streak, and villin. My suggestion is to just scrap it, and build somethin else.
  11. I dont see the big deal about rerides... just get off and walk around. As for the cameras, i guess i understand the reasoning behind it (gotta buy the pictures, ride ops woried about "responsiability of articles left") but it seems kinda dumb. Then again... if the rules bother you... don't go.
  12. Face Off is too popular and a good ride. I would have to say Days of Thunder should go. Not a big fan of Son of Beast either...
  13. Expect something for the entire family. Awsome kids area w/ plenty of rides. Great atmosphere. Lines shouldnt be to bad. Hope you have fun. Advice: Get there early, but dont bother to try and get on The Beast first thing
  14. With so much just added to the park i would keep it. I was sad to see the HB go, and was disapionted they renamed The Beasty so i would change that back.
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