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KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. I just went yesterday I think everybody will just come later in the evening becuase it was packed last night.
  2. I thought it was smooth just ride in the middle of cars.
  3. Like I said i'm not too good with that kind of stuff, and they shut the ride down after they peeled the wheel off.
  4. It didn't make too much sense to me either that one wheel stooped the whole train you would know if you were on The Vortex crew but you aren't so...and this is definatly a real story and I didn't make this up.
  5. What?When was there a crash? and how could this happen?O yea I hear they had to peel a wheel off Vortex the other day because a peice of it chipped off and they couldn't move it and you may have misheard becuase there was a car wreck right in front of Kinggs Island a few days ago.Just to let you know Klockster.
  6. Well did you ride on a wheel? That may have been your problem but if you have trouble fitting into the car then there you go.
  7. Delirium and work my way all the way over to NU and ride Avatar. So basically the same as Captain Nemo
  8. Now I actullay know what The Bat was like.
  9. There is 1 antique car in between The Racer and the Sponebob FX theatre.
  10. So then how much does it cost at the cheapest rate?
  11. I just got word from my brother who works at Kings Island that FoF will be taken out of the park in several years.(THIS SUCKS!!! )
  12. They should probably do something with the sound of the helicopter it sounds very crappy.
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