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Everything posted by pkiBeastfan

  1. After more than 500 rides during 2006 with my daughter, I have to say Beast... Particularly early morning or late evening (around sunset) with the fog over the tracks.
  2. Lowest rate I see online is $264/night for this: The highest rate is $509/night for the Grizzly Bear Suite. Though I don't see anything on the site yet, I have heard you will be able to buy admission to the waterpark separately from room reservation, but it is supposed to come with any room.
  3. I have been repeatedly told they will give you water at any food stand or restaurant, not the carts since they don't have a water fountain or supply of clean ice. Also, they do allow you to bring in your own water, even in a small cooler with some ice. They will, however confiscate any other drinks you try to bring in (or send you back to your car with it). Sometimes it depends on who is checking you through security on the size of the softside cooler, but they will ALWAYS check larger coolers to make sure you are not brining in lots of sodas, etc. I even saw them confiscating a 12-pack of soda out of a cooler recently that a family was brining in with their stroller and small kids. they were told they could keep the water, kids drinks and kids food, but the sodas had to go to their car or be given to the security people. We always bring a bottle of water in a fanny pack for each of us and they have no issues with it...then just refill them as needed.
  4. Hey, Why don't they move all of CP down here and all of KI up there just to give all of us something new and different for then next few years? I really don't see anything moving. It's cheaper to build new than to disassemble and reinstall most of these since so much would have to be changed due to terrain, space, and insurance companies (for anything older than a year).
  5. I don't like Delirium (makes me dizzy). I love most of the coasters, except for Adventure Express...too rough for the short ride. It's a shame more people don't seem to apprecaite Son of Beast...I think it's great, even if very rough. My daughter and I always try to ride it 1-3x every visit, unless the lines are too long. Beast is still tops though!
  6. I wouldn't mind any B&M. KI needs another great steel coaster, so any B&M they get would be a great addition. Nothing will beat The Beast for me though!
  7. My daughter and I both love The Beast! It is an awesome ride and we are still trying to find which seat on each train we like best...they all have a slightly different feel. Every ride is different, depending on weather, temperature, number of riders (weight)...so you don't know what is coming until you're done! It is great at night, particularly if you ride it near the end of FearFest when the lights are all out, with no moon and the sky is totally dark...truly The Beast at it's BEST! We have already ridden Beast 162 times this season and still going for more (going this afternoon again). My daughter is on a quest to ride The Beast...our best so far: 57 rides in one week 21 rides in one day 19 rides on the same train without getting off (changed seat a couple of times) Look out Beast King!
  8. My daughter (9) and I are disappointed it will be out of commision for a while. We will both be riding it when it reopens...and it WILL!
  9. I live very close to KI and have never associated the sign with Paramount...didn't even think about the bottom part looking like the Paramount Studios entrance before. I don't see them changing the whole sign...it's too good and expensive to waste, but could be changed easily for little cost. Then they can use the rebranding money on other park changes and rides! I say get rid of the Paramount name, but keep the themes. Maybe this could help CF improve their ability to theme rides. After all, Paramount has done well at theming most rides, but kept themes away from some signature rides that don't need it (Beast, Son of Beast, etc.).
  10. 1. The Beast (162 rides so far this season...57 in one week...21 in one day) 2. Son of Beast 3. Drop Zone 4. Racer 5. White Water Canyon
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