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Everything posted by spunXtain

  1. On Wednesday the 30th I took my first trip to Cedar Point! It was a blast, but that's another story. I've been to King's Island about 6 times in the past 3 years, and we love it each time. After our trip to Cedar Point, we were heading home (to south Kentucky) on Thursday and decided to swing by King's Island to try out Firehawk and to get a couple after-dark rides on The Beast. It would be exactly 5 pm when we got to the park, by our estimates, so we were more than happy to have only 5 good hours at the park after our exhausting day at Cedar Point the day before. We had Cedar Point's program with us, and noticed that starlight admission to Cedar Point was 25 dollars, and regular admission 41.95. I assumed that Cedar Fair jacked up the admission price to King's Island since they purchased it, knowing it was significantly less than Cedar Point's admission. We paid for parking and walked to the gate, and I was SHOCKED and DISGUSTED to see the sign that said starlight admission was $34.95?????? Why?? That's more than all-day admission last year, and 10 dollars more than Cedar Point's starlight admission. I would have been more than happy to pay 50 bucks for my girlfriend and I to have 5 hours of fun at KI, but I wasn't going to pay 70. We went to the guard station and got our parking refunded, and headed home. I hope to find some discounted tickets to the park and enjoy a full day at King's Island , possibly sometime this month. I wish that the starlight admission would be a little more reasonable.
  2. I'd like a site that shows ALL of the rides, not just the coasters. If anyone knows of a good site (fan made like this would be great) then please point me in that direction.
  3. I figured it was. Pics? I never saw anyone post them here.
  4. Talk of the new sign kind of slowed down lately. The last pic I saw of it was just two red pillars, and that was forever ago. Any pics of the finished sign? I find it hard to believe that they are still working on it after almost a year.
  5. As manager of Blockbuster Video here in Somerset, KY, I feel that I am best qualified to answer your question. And the answer is NO, with the pay once visit twice tickets you get at BBV, you can visit the park on any two days this season. The only catch is that the same person has to use the ticket. You can't go yourself one day and then send your brother a week later, it has to be you both times. The Price is $42.99 Hope I was of some help.
  6. Does an ATM let you draw cash from a Credit card as well? I have never used a CC I'm only used to my debit.
  7. I don't mean for admission, I already have the tickets. My friend was wanting to take it for food, souveneirs, etc. Do they take CC? I was there last year but I just use cash so I don't remember.
  8. Was anyone there that day? How exactly did it happen? His fault? The park's fault? Did he fall from the very top?
  9. Why was it removed? Did anyone ever fall out of it?
  10. ahh yup that's it. i just remembered "Keelboat". Does anyone know what the height of it was?
  11. I visited King's Island around 15-17 years ago, I was very young, probably age 3-6. I seem to remember there was a Water Ride.. it seems it was called "Keel Boats" or something. I remember riding it with my parents and being TERRIFIED of the height. It was me and my mother and father in one boat, single file. It seemed like it was very narrow. It seemed so high up, hundreds of feet high. Of course, I also remember looking up at The Racer in awe of it's height. Now I know it isn't that tall at all! So it was probably just the fact that I was so young that it scared me so bad. Can anyone help me identify this ride?
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